The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is delighted to extend an invitation to capable and qualified suppliers to submit their competitive proposals for Conference venue and accommodation services in Switzerland (Geneva or Vaud).The p...
Request for Quotation for Supply of pre-insulated pipes and shaped products to Ukraine-----IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender...
Dear Sir/Madame, The United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan (UNDP) in the framework of the Project 00111140, UNDP-GEF “Promotion of sustainable food systems and improved ecosystems services in Northern Kazakhstan Landscape...
Dear Sir/Madame, The United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan (UNDP) in the framework of the Project 00111140, UNDP-GEF “Promotion of sustainable food systems and improved ecosystems services in Northern Kazakhstan Landscape...
Réhabilitation des écoles publiques de NDJENG et MINKWALA réparties en 2 lots dont :Lot 1 : o Réhabilitation de l’école publique de « NDJENG » Lot 2 : o Réhabilitation de l’école publique de « MINKWALA-EYAMEYONG(Consultation au niveau natio...
The Member of Parliament for Adaklu District intends to apply part of his DACF allocations to fund eligible payments under contract for construction of the under-listed projects as indicated below; Construction of 2no. 10-seater Water Closet (WC) toi...
The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) was established in 2015 at the COP that adopted the Paris Agreement to support implementation of the Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework. The Initiative works with over 50 developing count...
A presente Solicitação de Cotações (RFQ) tem por objeto à Contratação de Empresa Especializada para prestação de serviços integrados de criação, planejamento estratégico, produção de peças publicitárias e compra de mídia em Maceió.NOTA IMPORTANTE: Os...
UNDP kindly requests your quotation for Rehabilitation of sewage networks municipalities (Kfariyah, Wata elKhan- Selma) for UNDP Syria Office as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ. Interested suppliers must submit their offer directly in the system as...
Rehabilitation of air conditioning units in selected offices at the Head Offices of the Food and Drugs Authority Through National Competitive Tendering (Mechanical Works)
Rehabilitation of air conditioning units in selected offices at the Head Offices of the Food and Drugs Authority Through National Competitive Tendering (Electrical Works)
5.3.8 Compra de elementos físicos para el confinamiento y señalización de ciclocarriles (Ciclovías) por lotes. Proyecto “Biciclando, Centros de Economía Circular” en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México.ANTECEDENTES El Programa de Naciones Unidas...
5.3.8 Compra de elementos físicos para el confinamiento y señalización de ciclocarriles (Ciclovías) por lotes. Proyecto “Biciclando, Centros de Economía Circular” en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México.ANTECEDENTES El Programa de Naciones Unidas...
ITC wants to contract, for 9 months, a service provider engaged in legal/research services, to undertake a regulatory mapping and support on the regulatory analysis of Iraq’s Construction Service sector and related sub-sectors. The service provider w...
Le Bureau des Nations Unies pour les services d’appui aux projets (UNOPS) a le plaisir d’inviter des soumissionnaires potentiels à soumissionner conformément aux Conditions générales du contrat de l’UNOPS et à l’ensemble des besoins décrits dans la p...
Invitation for Prequalification of Suppliers for the Supply of Reagents, Laboratory equipment.
Assessing and managing loss and damage, and implementing Nature-Based Solutions to inform global actions in Mauritius and Zambia
French version Bonjour cher fournisseur, Le Bureau Regional du HCR au Senegal, a lancé une demande de cotations No RFQ/RBWCA/2024/003 pour la fourniture de service de dédouanement, affrètement et transit aérien, terrestre, maritime et livraison en Ré...
Description Quantity Duration Arrival and Departure 1 Standard Room Accommodation 100 3 nights Check-in: 4th of December 2024 Check out: 7th of December 2024. 2 Hall for 100 participants (spacious sitting arrangement, projector, screens, Internet S...
Bathymetric equipment with accessories and software for Nicaragua