Online Pre-Bid Meeting: Online bidders conference will be organized at 11.00 hours, Dhaka Time (GMT+6) on 5th February 2025. Participation in online bidders conference is not mandatory, however, ILO encourage all potential bidders to participate in online bidders conference. Interested firms could participate in the conference through the following link at 11.00 am on 5th February 2025. The purpose of the Online Bidders’ conference is to familiarize potential Bidders with the requirements and to clarify any aspect of the RFP. Meeting time: 11AM- 12PM Meeting link: Meeting ID: 962 2905 1880 Passcode: 1234 OR, If any potential firm has any query about the TOR/RFP document, that has to be submitted to the ILO through email
[email protected] within 5th February 2025; Please mention “Queries on RFP-ILO-Care Work-2025-001” in the subject of the email while sending any written query to ILO regarding this RFP.