
Baseline Assessment for UNICEF-Supported Health Facilities under the SHARE Project

ProcureProcess - UNICEF Sudan Non Governmental 2025-01-26 to 2025-02-09
Description Dear Sir/ Madam Greeting from UNICEF Sudan CO. UNICEF Sudan Country Office wishes to invite you to submit your offer in USD currency for Provision of Comprehensive Baseline Assessment for UNICEF-Supported Health Facilities under the SHARE Project Various Locations in Sudan on contract. Please note that bid closing date is 09th Feb. 2025, at 23:59 Sudan local time (+2:00 GMT). Bid submission: Bid can be submitted only in soft copies through UNICEF secure email specificized below: [email protected] and reference LRPS#2025- 9195475 must be mentioned in your email as subject title. All corporate entities should be registered on the United Nations Global Marketplace website ( before engaging in any activity with UNICEF. In case your firm is not registered yet on the UNGM site, you are advised to register and provide the UNGM number within your bid document, guidelines on how you can register as supplier on UNGM is attached for your easy reference. The bidders shall provide their best Technical & Financial proposals and shall be based strictly in accordance with this Invitation to bid package provided within the attached document together with any further documents, data and/or addenda that may be issued during the quoting period, all of which shall form the basis of a commitment between UNICEF and the successful Bidder. All LRPS process shall be in respect of the Essential information. The Last date for questions & clarifications is 30th of Jan. 2025, at 14:00hrs Sudan local time via [email protected] and will not be considered through phone calls or any other email. All proposals must be sent by email to [email protected] ONLY no later than 9th of Feb at 23:59 hrs. Sudan local time (+02:00 GMT), otherwise, it will be considered as not valid. The BID FORM (page 3 of this document) must be completed and returned to UNICEF alongside the proposals. Proposals must be submitted electronically in English in two separate emails (one for Technical and one for Financial). The reference "LRPS#-2025-9195475 Technical Proposal" must be shown in the subject line of the email consisting of the technical proposal. AND the reference "LRPS#-2025-9195475 Financial Proposal" must be shown in the subject line of the email consisting of the financial proposal. Currency of proposal is UNITED STATES DOLLARS (USD). Proposals received in any other manner will be INVALIDATED.   You are hereby invited to submit your proposals as per the attached set of documents Enclosed within the document find the following list of important documents and Annexes:   1. LRPS-2025 -9195475 2. Annex A: GTC for General Service, part of LRPS-2025-9195475 3. Annex B: TOR. 4. Annex C: Financial Template 5. Annex D: How to register as a supplier in UNGM. 6. Annex E: PSEA advocacy materials 7. Annex F: UNICEF MDM vendor Master Registration Template   NB. Due to the nature of this RFPS, there will be no public opening of proposals, for more information on the proposals submission please see the attached bid document LRPS-2025-9195475  NB. Also please note that before applying you may need to familiarize yourself with the PSEA advocacy materials for UNICEF Bidders & Suppliers that published on the Link Tab or the link shared under the document Tab "PSEA Advocacy materials for UNICEF Bidders & Suppliers". Bidder's proposal will be first reviewed to make sure that most of the following documents are duly submitted within their technical proposal in order to be considered for the technical evaluation: 1. Copy of the Company registration in country of origin or Copy company registration in Sudan "i.e. Certificate of incorporation (must have been in business preferably for a minimum of 2 years)" 2. Company Profile which should include: Company structure; Company line of business; Number and type of employees; at least three references of major customers/clients exact company address for the further UNICEF verification visit etc. 3. Trade Licenses - (English or Arabis Version) - if applicable   4. Other Licenses or authorizations issued by the appropriate government authority to operate business in Sudan 5. Authorized Local Bank account details (i.e. Bank proof can be in format of Bank Letter, First page of Bank of Sudan Statement or Void Check) 6. The company Audited Financial Statements for the past two financial years 7. Proof of valid TAX Registration Certificates (Sudanese Registered Companies) 8. Suppliers must not have the prior record of inappropriate conduct in ethical, social, or environmental issues (corporate responsibility) 9. Acceptance of UNICEF's General Terms and Conditions (signed Proposal Form, page 3 of RFP)

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