LRPS-2025-9195227 Evaluation of the UNICEF PNG Convergence Program, Nawaeb and Bogia districts in Papua New Guinea (PNG) The main objectives of the evaluation are: 1.To assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and sustainability of the Convergence Program from its inception to the present, with particular focus on equity, gender equality and disability inclusion, convergence of programme components and achieving results, as well as the strategic positioning of UNICEF in relation to its child rights mandate. 2.To identify and document key lessons learned, good practices and innovations in implementing the Convergence Program that can inform and support advocacy efforts for replication. 3.To provide a set of forward-looking and actionable recommendations to strengthen programmatic strategies in the design and replication of convergence program, taking into consideration national development priorities and plans and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the country. The evaluation will also include an endline survey, the purpose of which will be to collect quantitative data on the status of the programme, that will complement data from qualitative sources.The main tasks of the survey will be to provide an update of the values for all quantitative output, outcome and impact indicators of the convergence programme that were conducted during the baseline indicators, including the assessment of schools and health facilities. Intended users: The primary users of the evaluation are UNICEF PNG. Secondary users are the donors that are supporting the convergence programme, the Government of PNG and Implementing partners, and UNICEF EAPRO. UNICEF Country Offices will also draw lessons from programme performance and effectiveness. Go through the documents attached and if interested , kindly submit your best offer by 23 January 2025 Thursday 23:30 hrs (Papua New Guinea Time) to (PNG-Port Moresby-Bids on email
[email protected]). Any bids received beyond the deadline will be INVALIDATED. If you have any queries related to this LRPS, please send the same through e-mail to the above-mentioned email address latest by 16th January 2025. Thanks with Best Regards UNICEF PNG