
RFP EM/SOM Provision of Post campaign coverage survey, Intra and post campaign monitoring services for WHO Somalia

ProcureProcess - WHO Somalia Non Governmental 2025-01-27 to 2025-02-12
Cairo, [27 January 2025] Dear Prospective Bidder, Subject: Request for Proposal [EM/RGO/DAF/LSP/P/0008349] – [RFP EM/SOM Provision of Post campaign coverage survey, Intra and post campaign monitoring services for WHO Somalia] You are invited to submit a proposal for the above-mentioned Request for Proposals for the World Health Organization (WHO), Somalia in accordance with the attached documents: Documents and Annexes Description RFP Request For Proposals Annex 1 Acknowledgment Form Annex 2 Confidentiality Undertaking Annex 3 Proposal Completeness Form Annex 4 Information about Bidder Annex 5 Acceptance Form Annex 6 Self-Declaration Form Appendix 1 UNGM Guide Appendix 2 Terms of Reference Appendix 3-a & 3-b Financial Proposal template Appendix 4 Practical Guide-Post Campaign CES 1) If interested, you are kindly requested to register through UNGM. After having an active account, you have to express your interest through the UNGM which will transfer you to WHO’s e-tendering system to be able to collect the RFP documents and access your tender opportunities. 2) No later than [04 February 2025], you shall complete and return, under “Correspondence” tab of UNGM (paragraph 4.2 refer): a) The enclosed RFP [EM/RGO/DAF/LSP/P/0008349] Acknowledgement Form (Annex 1) duly completed and signed as confirmation of your intention to submit a bona fide proposal and designate your representative to whom communications may be directed, including any addenda; and b) The enclosed RFP [EM/RGO/DAF/LSP/P/0008349] Confidentiality Undertaking form (Annex 2) signed. 3) A prospective bidder requiring any clarification on technical, contractual or commercial matters may submit its questions via UNGM “Correspondence” tab no later than [04 February 2025], and mandatorily formulate them as follows: Question # Reference to RFP (paragraph #) Question text The WHO Somalia team will respond in writing (via the “Correspondence” tab of UNGM) to any request for clarification of the RFP that it receives prior to the date mentioned in the RFP, paragraph 4.6. A consolidated document of WHO’s response to all questions (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of enquiry) will be published on the UNGM. Paragraph 4.6 refer. 4) Proposals must be uploaded via UNGM, “Tender Documents” tab no later than [12 February 2025] at [23:00] hours, [Cairo] time (paragraph 4.11 refer). 6) Evaluation of proposals and selection of a vendor will be performed in accordance with the provisions of RFP [EM/RGO/DAF/LSP/P/0008349] (paragraph 5.4 refer). Yours sincerely

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