The United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ) in New York, Department of Operational Support (DOS) intends to establish a systems contract(s) for provision of Merchandise Items, including Custom-Made Souvenir and Gift Items for Sale at The United Nations Bookshop in New York, USA. The anticipated duration of the contract is three (3) years with the option to extend for two (2) additional one (1) year periods (i.e a total of five (5) years), at the UN's sole discretion, subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor. It is to be noted that the UN does not guarantee any minimum quantity to be purchased during the term of the Contract(s). Please note that this request for Expression of Interest (EOI) is not the tender document. The vendors submitting the EOI may be included in the list of invitees in the upcoming solcitation, which will provide the details of the requirement
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