
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy under ACAR Project - Collaboration Program with Civil Society Organizations on Knowledge Generation and Monitoring

ProcureProcess - UNICEF Others Non Governmental 2025-01-09 to 2025-01-30
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy under ACAR Project - Collaboration Program with Civil Society Organizations on Knowledge Generation and Monitoring UNICEF Türkiye Country Office invites your company to submit an offer for the Request for Proposal for Services. The Proposals must be received at the below e-mail address by latest 30 January 2025 - Thursday, at or before 14:00 hrs (Türkiye time). Proposals received after the stipulated date and time will be invalidated. Due to the nature of this RFP, there will be no public opening of proposals. E-mail Address: [email protected] Bid Conference: There will be two separate Zoom meetings and the details are as follows: 1. ACAR Project Collaboration Programme Information Meeting date&time is on 15 January 2024, at 14:00hrs (Turkiye time). ZOOM Meeting link: 2. Pre-bid Meeting date&time is on 22 January 2025, at 14:00hrs (Turkiye time). ZOOM Meeting link: Please check the meeting time and link from the Tender Advertisement & ToR and confirm your participation to the email address: [email protected]. Proposers are required to submit any questions in respect of this Solicitation Document by email to [email protected]. All requests for formal clarification or queries on this RFP must be submitted in writing to Supply Unit via email to: [email protected]. *Full proposals must be submitted in ENGLISH and must be received not later than the closure date and time as duly signed, stamped and dated. **Bidders are requested to send electronic version of their proposals by email as duly signed & stamped PDF documents to ([email protected]) in two (2) separate emails with the tender reference in their email subjects. Proposals should not be uploaded to any type of cloud/sharing platforms. The submission documents should be sent as email attachments. Email Subject: Confidential: RFP-TURA-2025-02 (LRPS_9195292) - One Email / Emails for technical proposals (each should have a number such as 1/4, 2/4, etc.) (Note: Page 3 and 4 of the tender document should be filled in and signed version should be submitted together with the technical proposal) - One Email for financial proposals (password protected) Financial proposals shall be secured by a password and sent in a separate email, and the password will only be asked when an offer is evaluated technically acceptable and therefore eligible for opening of the financial proposals. Please do not put the passwords in the email. The passwords for the financial proposals will be requested only from the technically qualified bidders when the technical evaluation is finalised. Proposals received in any other manner will be rejected. Please make sure that the e-mail mentions the RFP reference number. Only written inquiries will be entertained. Please be informed that if the question is of common interest, the answer will be shared with all potential RFP bidders. ***Please note that this tender is open for companies which are legally registered in Turkiye or companies who have legal presence in Turkiye. Please note that applications of companies which do not have legal presence in Turkiye will be disqualified. ****UNICEF's General Terms and Conditions (GTC), along with the special terms, conditions, and clauses of any bid and contract, are non-negotiable.

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