
Copy and Content Editing of the Report on the “Research Analysis on Decent Work and Responsible Business Practices in Aquaculture Sector in the Philippines ”

ProcureProcess - ILO Philippines Non Governmental 2024-12-18 to 2024-12-27
1. Background     The International Labour Organization (ILO), through its Japan-funded Resilient, Inclusive, and Sustainable Supply Chains (RISSC) Project, is implementing initiatives aimed at supporting a human-centred recovery from recent disruptions in the global supply chains. This includes demographic shift, climate change, technological advances, a new era of globalization and emerging governance framework as well as expanding due diligent requirements. The RISSC project will use selected global supply chains as an entry point for advancing decent work, harnessing the technical know-how and proven tripartite and consultative approaches of the ILO to identify and address critical risks and opportunities in the following sectors and countries: Thailand in automotive, Indonesia in electronics, and the Philippines in aquaculture. The project has four (4) main pillars/outcomes: 1) Analysis and Research to better understand and inform actions to address decent work gaps and opportunities within the aquaculture supply chain as defined by ILO tripartite constituents and industry stakeholders; 2) Development/enhancement of tools, advice, and trainings, 3) Support strengthening policy environment in closing decent work gaps and drive responsible business in the industry, and; 4) Support government, stakeholders and social partners of Japan to enable action toward effective implementation of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights to address risks in global supply chains such as in aquaculture.   A key project deliverable under Outcome/Pillar 1 in 2024-2025 is the conduct and publication of the report on the commissioned Research Analysis looking into the decent work and responsible business practices in the supply chains of two (2) aquaculture commodities – shrimp and seaweed, to contribute to enhancing constituents and the industry’s understanding of the labour and business trends, opportunities and challenges and inform practical policies and actions to address them. The research’s key findings and recommendations were presented to and vetted by ILO constituents and industry stakeholders through a series of validation workshops between June to August 2024, and the research report is ready for copy and content-editing before publication and will serve as a main reference to inform multipartite cooperation by the constituents and stakeholders toward a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable aquaculture supply chain. 2. Objectives of the consultancy, outputs and scope of work With this, an external collaborator (EXCOLL) will be assigned to proofread and edit the final Research Analysis Report on “Decent Work and Responsible Business Practices in the Aquaculture Sector in the Philippines”   in accordance with the ILO checklist for editors and apply the ILO House Style, into five (5) outputs below: Main Research Analysis Report based on the final draft submitted and approved by the ILO Summary of the Research Analysis Report with focus on Shrimp Summary of the Research Analysis Report with focus on Seaweed Research brief with focus on Shrimp Research brief with focus on Seaweed The responsibility of the editor includes the following: Improving consistency and structure of content, as necessary; Editing for grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics of style based on the ILO House Style and other guidelines for published materials; Identify and propose ways to condense to shorten blocks of text prose, wherever possible to reduce the overall word count Editing tables, figures, lists and captions, as necessary; Tracking changes and provide a clean, error-free version of the guidelines for final submission; Checking for consistency in formatting, such as headings, subheadings, font styles, and paragraph alignment; Checking for consistency of mechanics and for internal consistency of facts, including correspondence of data given in graphics and text; Checking direct quotations, including page references; Ensuring proper usage of language, including clarity, conciseness, and appropriate tone. Rephrasing and/or summarising paragraphs or information for improvements to structure and narrative flow, where necessary; Suggesting alternatives for the headings/sub-headings where necessary, throughout the document for improvements to communication; Reviewing the guidelines for overall coherence, logical flow, and organisation of ideas. Cross-checking citations, references, and footnotes for accuracy and adherence to the specified style guide or citation format; Inserting head levels and approximate placement of graphics; Identifying any inconsistencies, inaccuracies, or gaps in information and suggest revisions or clarifications as needed; Providing feedback and suggestions on content improvement, readability, and overall quality of the guidelines; Maintaining confidentiality and professionalism while handling the guidelines and their content; Corresponding with authorized representative/s of the ILO to clear content issues (if any) regarding ambiguous statements, incomplete authorization, citation, missing/unclear data in tables/figures vis-à-vis text discussion, and incomplete information (if any) in specific sections of the report; Listing permissions needed, and; Writing running heads. 3. Editorial process ILO will send the following to the editor: Raw Research Analysis Report (in MS Word) to be edited – pertains to the  report in an editable format, which has not yet been laid out for printing. Style guide – pertains to the editing guide to be followed by editor/s; it should follow the  ILO House Style Manual, 6th edition. At most two rounds of editing will be done on the research report 1st round of editing – first draft of the edited set of outputs based on the research report will be submitted to the ILO as per the agreed schedule of submission. Any clarifications between the editor/s and the ILO regarding the content of the research report will be addressed at this stage. Together with the edited draft, the editor/s will submit comments/ clarifications/questions about the research report. The ILO will review the first draft of the set of outputs  based on the research report and will submit his/her responses to the queries/clarifications of the editor. However, if there are no comments/clarifications from both parties during the first draft (upon approval of the ILO), the draft can already be considered ready to be finalized. 2nd round of editing (if needed) – second draft of the edited set of outputs based on the research report will be submitted to the ILO after the editor/s receive/s the ILO’s responses to the queries/clarifications. The ILO’s responses will be incorporated into the 2nd edited draft. Finalizing the content of the set of outputs based on the research output. 4. Timeline, Payment Terms and Schedule The EXCOLL shall commence the work upon signing the contract. The proposal should include the following for a seventy-thousand-word (70,000) equivalent to two hundred (200) page publication : total budget or the cost per one thousand words duration or number of days to copy edit a publication with two rounds of editing Deadline for submission of proposal is on or before 27 December 2024 via email to: [email protected] – for technical details of the proposal [email protected]  - for financial details of the proposal 5.  Management Arrangements To ensure efficiency of the editorial process, the EXCOLL will establish all communications and work in close coordination with the National Project Coordinator of the RISSC Project in the Philippines and under the guidance of the  RISSC Project Manager. The ILO shall coordinate with other specialists to ensure that expert inputs on international labour standards, gender, alignment of national law and practice, and good practices are gathered and integrated into the baseline and sectoral assessment, if possible. The ILO shall conduct and organize all Project-related consultations for the validation of results of the research and analysis.   6.  National Consultant Profile The national consultant is expected to have the appropriate competencies needed to fully execute the scope of this engagement. It should have significant experience or expertise in the following: Local presence in the countries where the Project operates Familiarity with international labour standards and national labour laws, global supply chains, human and business rights, and other applicable standards in the aquaculture supply chain Expertise and experience in qualitative and quantitative research (data collection and analysis) Familiarity with the  ILO RISSC Research Analysis on Decent Work and Responsible Business Practices in Aquaculture Sector and with the labour and business landscape in aquaculture Familiarity with ILO tripartite constituents and stakeholders with mandate and interest in aquaculture sector Expertise and experience in the ILO, Decent Work Agenda, international labour standards, national labour laws, global supply/ value chains, business and human rights, responsible business conduct, etc  Familiarity on gender mainstreaming, mapping, and analysis Excellent command of English and ability to speak local language (Filipino, Tagalog, Bisaya, Cebuano) Excellent process facilitation and report-writing skills  

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