The United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON), on behalf of Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) invites qualified interested firms to submit Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in the upcoming solicitation for provision of technical assistance on "Feasibility assessement to develop an aquaponics facility based in a semi-enclosed/protected environment as a climate change adaptation measure to be replicated in Peru". The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on behalf of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) requires the services of an institution to deliver the technical assistance as approved by National Designated Entity from Peru. The objective of this Technical Assistance is to conduct a feasibility assessment of an aquaponics facility based in a semi-enclosed/protected environment in Peru to design technical manuals for aquaponics facilities, as an activity aimed at strengthening the development of aquaculture/aquaponics that is more resilient to the expected risks of climate change on marine and inland ecosystems, according to local contexts (institutional, policy, regulatory and general operational). The accumulation of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is changing various characteristics of climate, oceans, coastal and freshwater ecosystems that affect the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture. Although the impact of climate change on aquatic ecosystems, fisheries and aquaculture is still unknown, changes in the distribution and reproductivity of marine and freshwater species and their effects on biological processes and food chains are already being observed. The consequences for the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems, fisheries and aquaculture, as well as for the people who depend on them, are uncertain. The implications of climate change for the food security and livelihoods of small island states and many developing countries are profound, as fisheries and aquaculture are important contributors to both local and global food supplies. Proteins from aquaculture have a high nutritional value and are one of the most traded and exported food products for many developing countries. Short-term impacts of climate change on aquaculture may include production and infrastructure losses due to extreme events such as flooding, increased risk of diseases, parasites and harmful algal blooms. Long-term impacts may include reduced availability of wild seed, as well as reduced rainfall, which could lead to increased competition for freshwater. In Latin America and South America, aquaculture activity is mainly carried out in three basic environments: marine water, inland water and brackish water; and, using fish, crustaceans and molluscs, where a variation in the temperature of the culture medium could considerably influence the overall metabolism, and therefore, growth rates and total production. These implications would have direct effects on the productivity of aquaculture systems, making the activity potentially vulnerable to climate change by being exposed to potential climate change hazards such as increased temperature and increased frequency of extreme weather events such as floods and landslides, El NiƱo events. In terms of mitigation, although fisheries and aquaculture do not emit large volumes of GHGs compared to other industries, the sector's GHG emissions could be reduced. The implementation of good fishing practices, including aquaculture production of herbivorous species, as well as fuel reduction and the implementation of energy efficiency schemes to reduce energy and fuel consumption in equipment and vehicles, can provide nutritious food with a low carbon footprint. This underlines the importance of innovation in developing strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by the aquaculture sector. Furthermore, these measures are relevant given that many fisheries and aquaculture-dependent communities lead a precarious and vulnerable existence due to poverty and lack of basic social services and infrastructure, and mitigation and adaptation measures in fisheries and aquaculture need to cover multiple sectors and not only focus on fish farmers. This Technical Assistance will carry out a feasibility assessment of an aquaponics facility based on a semi-enclosed/protected environment for Peru with a climate change resilience approach. Some of the expected outputs are: 1. Development of a workplan and related communication documents. 2. Establishment of the project working group specific to the country context . 3. Diagnosis of the current situation of aquaponics in Peru with a climate change perspective. 4. Specific technical and functional and model recommendations for the development of aquaponics in Peru 5. Generation of technical manuals considering the optimal production types prioritised for Peru. 6. Development of aquaponics projects in Peru encouraged. The complete details of the requirement will be provided in the tender documents that will be issued to bidders after this request for EOI is closed.
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