
International Communications and Public Engagement Expert

ProcureProcess - UNDP Lao People's Democratic Republic Non Governmental 2025-01-18 to 2025-02-16
Country: LAOS.  Description of the Assignment:  ObjectiveDevelop and support the implementation of the STEPS Communications Strategy and PlansThe STEPS Project is committed to developing and implementing a comprehensive Communications Strategy that prioritizes gender and inclusivity at every stage. This strategy begins with in-depth assessments to identify key messages and target audiences, ensuring diverse perspectives are represented. A robust outreach plan will be crafted for both traditional and digital media, with advocacy efforts that integrate gender considerations and promote inclusive participation.Promotional materials, including press releases, blogs, talking points, and multimedia content, will be designed collaboratively with stakeholders to ensure accuracy and reflect a wide range of voices. The project will emphasize creating compelling narratives from beneficiary interviews, highlighting the experiences of marginalized groups to foster engagement. Additionally, reports and publications will be reviewed to ensure clarity while aligning with gender and inclusivity goals. The assignment will include close alignment with STEPS Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning team to communicate project results and success stories.Improve understanding of parliamentary communication and public engagement practicesIn 2025, the National Assembly will establish a new media studio to expand content delivery through various channels, including social media. The project will support this initiative by investing in the capacity building of the Media Department of the National Assembly and the ICT development of Provincial People’s Assemblies (PPAs). Key stakeholders will be sensitized to international best practices in parliamentary communications and the use of cutting-edge digital tools for effective public engagement.Duties during the assignment may include:·       Supporting the Media Department of the National Assembly to develop a comprehensive roadmap aimed at enhancing parliamentary communications, with a strong emphasis on gender and inclusivity. This roadmap will serve as a strategic guide, outlining specific objectives, methodologies, and timelines for improving interactions between the parliament and the public. By assessing current communication practices and identifying areas for improvement, the roadmap will focus on fostering transparency, accessibility, and engagement, ensuring that diverse voices, particularly those of underrepresented groups, are included.·       Supporting improved parliamentary communication and public engagement at Provincial People’s Assembly (PPA) level, including through workshops supported by STEPS and mentoring/on-the-job support. These workshops will assist in preparing project plans that identify necessary changes in communication approaches and services to the public.Scope of WorkThe Communications and Public Engagement Specialist will play a pivotal role within the STEPS Project, directly reporting to the STEPS Project Manager and Chief Technical Specialist. This position is designed to ensure seamless coordination and effective execution of internal and external communication strategies that prioritize gender and inclusivity. The Expert will provide regular updates to the Project Manager and CTS, detailing progress, challenges, and outcomes related to various communication initiatives and deliverables. The Expert will assist in the supervision of the (incoming) National Communications and Knowledge Management Officer and UNDP CO Communications Officer. This supervisory role includes offering guidance, mentorship, and support to enhance the Officers skills in developing and implementing communication strategies that reflect the needs of the project.1.     Communications Strategy Development and Implementation·       Perform comprehensive communications needs assessments for the STEPS Project to identify key messages and target audiences.·       Develop, draft, edit, and review a comprehensive communications and outreach strategy for both traditional and digital media platforms.·       Review and finalize communications and branding guidelines for STEPS in collaboration with NA ICPMS and USAID.·       Coordinate with other project teams on multi-unit and agency campaigns, fostering a unified approach to communication efforts.·       Perform other communication-related functions as assigned, consistent with qualifications and experience. 2.     Design and Monitor Communications Outputs·       Generate innovative ideas and creative content to promote STEPS activities and events, including brochures and multimedia materials i.e compiling articles about STEPS to enhance the project’s visibility in national media (e.g., Vientiane Times and Laotian Times).·       Support technical team to prepare press statements, advocacy materials and key messages for high-level dialogues, public events, and media interviews involving NA ICPMS and UNDP management.·       Ensure UNDP branding and donor visibility at events in collaboration with project partners and other stakeholders.·       Interview beneficiaries and stakeholders and create human interest stories, compelling articles or impact stories with gender and inclusion elements that highlight project interventions and outcomes for dissemination through social media and other channels.·       Edit and produce high-quality content for web, social media, and other media platforms, ensuring that it is engaging and aligned with UNDP branding guidelines.3.     Improve capacities on parliamentary communications and public engagement practices·       Initiate discussion and potential collaboration with the NA Media Department on media and communications including NA studio operations. Subsequent initiatives may include:·       Strengthen the capacities of the Media Department of the National Assembly in modern communication strategies and inclusive public engagement approaches.·       Introduce the National Assembly and Provincial People’s Assemblies (PPAs) to international parliamentary communication standards and effective public engagement practices that promote gender equality and inclusion.·       Support the development of Parliamentary Communication Roadmaps and materials for the National Assembly and select PPAs, integrating gender and inclusion.·       Conduct pilot initiatives to implement select NA and PPA communications roadmaps, in cooperation with the Media Department of the National Assembly.Period of assignment/services: 90 days. Proposal should be submitted directly in the portal no later than indicated deadline.Any request for clarification must be sent in writing via messaging functionality in the portal. UNDP will respond in writing including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry.Please indicate whether you intend to submit a bid by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the system. This will enable the system to send notifications in case of amendments of the tender requirements. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate using the messaging functionality in the system. Offers must be submitted directly in the system following this link:  using the profile you may have in the portal. In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in guides available in UNDP website:  Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.

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