REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) RFI Reference: SOM/2025/001 Date: 19 January 2025 Title of the RFI Supply and Installation of Blast Proof Steel Doors for the IOM Compound in Mogadishu, Somalia UNSPSC code(s) 30171519 Closing date for receipt of the RFI 2 PM (GMT+3) on 26 January 2025 If any doubt exists as to the time zone, refer to Address RFI response by e-mail to the attention of: IOM Somalia Supply Chain Officers E-mail address:
[email protected] OBJECTIVES OF RFI The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Somalia is seeking to gather information on Supply and Installation of Blast Proof Steel Doors available in the market for the IOM compound in Mogadishu, Somalia. The primary objective is to obtain technical details, estimated prices, of the needed item. The information provided by the suppliers will be used by IOM Somalia to determine the final requirement. This shall not create any expectation of purchase with the suppliers who assist in providing information. DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS Provision, Transport, and Installation of Blast-Proof Steel Doors within IOM OP Compound, AAIA, Mogadishu. Type: Single Leaf Door (Please provide the standard sizes available) Material: Certified ballistic steel (EN 1522) Finish: Epoxy primer with polyurethane final coat Accessories: Multi-point safety lock, overhead door closer, internal panic bar. QTY needed: 5 pieces. Scope of works include: Supply of doors as per approved specifications. Transportation to the IOM Compound in Mogadishu. Complete installation, including fixing the subframe, door frame, door leaf, and integrated door closer, ensuring proper alignment and functionality. Testing and commissioning of doors with all accessories. Note: Minor demolition and masonry work shall be included in rate. SPECIFIC INFORMATION IOM IS EXPECTING TO RECEIVE Detailed system specifications and features of the doors recommended. Catalogues, if available Warranty, Maintenance and Support Approximate Cost Breakdown including installation onsite Approximate Delivery and Installation time NOTE Site Visit is optional for the companies to visit and have better understanding to recommend solutions. Site visit date is set as 23 January 2025 at 3 PM (GMT+3). Site visit address is IOM OP Compound, Diplomatic area, between the Chinese Embassy and Burundian base Aden Abdulle International Airport (AAIA), Mogadishu, Somalia. Companies who are interested to attend the site visit shall share the details of the participants for access. The details should be shared with
[email protected] on or before 22 January 2025 at 3 PM (GMT+3).