INTRODUCTION TO UNHCR The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. It also has a mandate to help stateless people. In more than seven decades, the agency has helped tens of millions of people restart their lives. Today, a staff of some 17,300 people in more than 135 countries continue to help about 70.8 million persons. To help and protect some of the world’s most vulnerable people in so many places and types of environment, UNHCR must purchase goods and services worldwide. For further information on UNHCR, its mandate and operations, please see 1. REQUIREMENTS The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Egypt Operation, invites qualified suppliers and manufacturers to make a firm offer for the Provision of Security Services IMPORTANT: Exact technical specifications of the items are detailed in Annex A of this document. UNHCR will award the approved Purchase order to the successful bidder. The requirement of UNHCR is indicated in Annex A of the Tender documents. IMPORTANT: When a Purchase Order is awarded, either party can terminate the agreement only upon 30 days’ notice, in writing to the other party. It is strongly recommended that this Invitation to Bid document and its annexes be read thoroughly. Failure to observe the procedures laid out therein may result in disqualification from the evaluation process. Note: this document is not construed in any way as an offer to contract with your firm. Incoterms: The International Chamber of Commerce Incoterms 2010 shall apply for this ITB and for any resulting purchase orders(s). Inspection: Inspection of goods may be applicable and may be advised at the time of purchase. The inspection will be arranged and paid for by UNHCR. Please note that inspection charges resulting from the supplier’s default will be charged directly to the supplier. 1 2. BIDDING INFORMATION: 2.1. ITB DOCUMENTS The following annexes form integral part of this Invitation to Bid: Annex A: Technical Specifications Annex B: Technical Offer Form Annex C: Financial Offer Form Annex D: Vendor Registration Form Annex E: UNHCR General Conditions of Contracts for the Provision of Services – July 2018 version Annex F: UN Supplier Code of Conduct Annex G: Confirmation on EU Vendor Sanctions List Annex H : eTenderbox registration guide Annex I : eTenderbox Supplier User Manual. 2.2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would appreciate your informing us of the receipt of this ITB by return e-mail to
[email protected] as to: - Your confirmation of receipt of this invitation to bid - Whether or not you will be submitting a bid - The source where you have acquired this tender document (e.g. E-Mail, Chamber of Commerce, UNGM website, printed media etc.) IMPORTANT: Please note that Bid Submissions are NOT to be sent to the e-mail address above. 2.3 REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION Bidders are required to submit any request for clarification in respect of this ITB by e- mail at
[email protected]. The deadline for receipt of questions is 23:59 hrs. Egypt Time on 15 January 2025. Bidders are requested to keep all questions concise. UNHCR will copy any reply to a question to all other invited suppliers. All the emails sent requesting clarification MUST have the following Subject line: Email subject: ITB/CAl/001/25 [QUERY] UNHCR reserves the right NOT TO REPLY to emails which have no “ITB/CAl/001/25 [QUERY]” mark in the email Subject line. IMPORTANT: Please note that Bid Submissions are NOT to be sent to the e-mail addresses above. Failure to comply with this provision will result in disqualification. 2 2.4 YOUR OFFER Your offer shall be prepared in English. Please submit your offer using the Annexes provided. Offers not conforming to the requested formats will be not taken into consideration. IMPORTANT: Inclusion of copies of your offer with any correspondence sent directly to the attention of the responsible buyer or any other UNHCR staff other than the submission address will result in disqualification of the offer. Please send your bid directly and only to the address provided in the “Submission of Bid” (section 2.5) of this ITB. Your offer shall comprise the following two sets of documents: - Technical offer - Financial offer 2.4.1 CONTENT OF THE TECHNICAL OFFER IMPORTANT: No pricing information should be included in the technical offer. Failure to comply will result in disqualification. The technical offer should contain all information required. The technical details of the products requested by UNHCR can be found in Annex A. The technical offer form (Annex B) should be completed, signed, and included in the technical proposal. Annex B is an excel file that’s composed from 3 sheets as follows. 1. Mandatory criteria sheet. 2. Technical qualification sheet. 3. Technical Specs table sheet. Your technical offer should clearly state whether the goods you are offering are fully conforming to the product specifications given. Should there be a need to differ from any of the stated requirements, clearly state and disclose any discrepancies within your offer. Your technical offer should be concisely presented and structured in the following order to include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following information: A. MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS 1. Registration certificate proving that bidding company have at least three years in the market. 2. Tax Certificate or Tax ID. 3. Experience of minimum of three (3) years in the same required service (Security Service). 4. Vendor Registration Form (Annex D) duly filled, signed, and stamped; Submission of this form is necessary for all vendors proposed under the list of potential sub-contractors; if your company is already registered with UNHCR, please submit an empty Vendor Registration Form clearly indicating your UNHCR Vendor ID. 5. UNHCR General Conditions of Contract for the Provision of Goods (Annex E) duly filled, signed, and stamped. 6. UN Supplier Code of Conduct (Annex F) duly filled, signed and stamped. 7. Confirmation on EU Vendor Sanctions List (Annex G) duly filled, signed and stamped. 3 B. TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA N. A. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 1 The offered items should meet the specifications as stated in Annex A. 4 PASS/FAIL B. SUPPLY CAPACITY AND DELIVERY TERMS 2 Service terms are in line with the parameters set in the tender, as per indicated in Annex A. PASS/FAIL 3 Three references for international or national organizations that the bidder provided a security service. PASS/FAIL Only offers that meet all mandatory criteria and PASS all technical evaluation criteria. will be considered for financial evaluation. IMPORTANT: Sample photos/catalogues/brochures will form an integral part of the award to be established. No discrepancy between the sample photos and the delivered item will be accepted during the contractual period. 2.4.2 CONTENT OF THE FINANCIAL OFFER Your separate financial offer must contain an overall offer in USD or EGP. IMPORTANT: Please carefully consider the pricing model applicable to this invitation tender. The Financial offer is to be submitted as per the Financial Offer Form (Annex C). Bids that have a different price structure may not be accepted. The following details shall be provided for each item: - Unit costs: The bidder shall quote the unit price as per Annex C: Any quantity or other discounts (e.g. volume discounts) shall be clearly indicated. You are requested to hold your offer valid for 120 days from the deadline for submission. UNHCR will make its best effort to select a company within this period. The pricing model quoted in the Supplier’s offer will remain valid for the duration of the Purchase Order. UNHCR’s standard payment terms are within 30 days after satisfactory implementation and receipt of documents in order. The cost of preparing a bid and of negotiating a contract, including any related travel, is not reimbursable nor can it be included as a direct cost of the assignment. The Evaluation of Financial Offers – bids will be tabulated and compared with those received from all commercial entities participating in the solicitation exercise. Thus, it is of critical importance that the bidders submit complete Offers. The purchase order may then be awarded to the vendor(s) with the lowest priced offers passing the technical evaluation. UN Global Compact and other factors: UNHCR supports the UN Global Compact Initiative put forward on 31 January 1999 by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan that would bring companies together with UN agencies, labor and civil society to support ten principles in the areas of the human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. We encourage our suppliers to sign up with the UN Global Compact Initiative. 2.5 SUBMISSION OF BID: The offers must bear your official letter head, clearly identifying your company. Bids should be submitted by uploading the offers to the e-Tender Box tool (URL: HTTP://ETENDERBOX.UNHCR.ORG IMPORTANT: The Technical Offer and Financial Offer are to be uploaded as separate documents. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. Bids submitted by other means or sent to any UNHCR email address will result in disqualification of the offer. Deadline: 4 th February 2025, 23:59 hrs Egypt Time. To use e-Tender Box, registration on the website is required. This registration is exclusively for e-Tender Box and does not replace any other registration with UNHCR. A supplier should have only one registered email account in the system. The supplier must use only that e-Tender Box account for managing its offers to UNHCR. In case the password is forgotten that account cannot be used anymore, and new registration is required. The e-Tender Box Registration Guide and Use Manual are available at the above URL and provided as Annexes H and I to this ITB. Allowed extension for files to upload are .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .txt, .zip, .ppt, .pptx, .mbp, .rar, .gif, .tif and .tiff. Executable files (.exe, .bat, .cmd, etc.) should not be uploaded. The maximum size limit per file is 10MB. Uploaded files can be amended by the Supplier while the tender is open. The selected files for upload are submitted when the ‘Save & Submit’ button is clicked on. Therefore, this button must be clicked before the deadline expires. If done so, the selected files will be submitted and uploaded successfully even if the deadline expires during the file upload. It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure that all files of the final offer are submitted by the tender expiration deadline. IMPORTANT: Once the deadline for submission is expired, the bid will be automatically closed after which the uploaded files can be reviewed but options for additional upload and deletion of previously uploaded files are not available anymore. To ensure the safe submission of the full and final offer, it is recommended to have all files uploaded well before the tender deadline. UNHCR may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, by notifying all prospective bidders simultaneously. 5 UNHCR will not be responsible for locating or securing any information that is not identified in the bid. Accordingly, to ensure that sufficient information is available, the bidder shall furnish, as part of the bid, any descriptive material such as extracts, descriptions, and other necessary information it deems would enhance the comprehension of its offer. IMPORTANT: The Financial offer will only be opened for evaluation if the supplier’s technical part of the offer has passed the test and has been accepted by UNHCR as meeting the technical specifications. 2.6 BID ACCEPTANCE: UNHCR may at its discretion increase or decrease the proposed content when awarding the Purchase Order and would not expect a significant variation of the rate submitted. UNHCR may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, by notifying all prospective suppliers in writing. The extension of the deadline may accompany a modification of the solicitation documents prepared by UNHCR at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective supplier. Please note that UNHCR is not bound to select any of the firms submitting bids and does not bind itself in any way to select the firm offering the lowest price. Furthermore, the Purchase Order will be awarded to the bid considered most responsive to the needs, as well as conforming to UNHCR’s general principles, including economy and efficiency and best value for money. 2.7 CURRENCY AND PAYMENT TERMS FOR PURCHASE ORDERS Any Purchase Order (PO) issued as a result of this ITB will be made in the currency of the winning offer(s). Payment will be made in accordance to the General Conditions for the Provision of Goods and in the currency in which the PO is issued. Payments shall only be initiated after confirmation by the UNHCR business owner of successful order completion. By participating in this ITB, the Bidders understands and accepts that it is their sole responsibility to ensure that the Bank Account of the company is able to receive payments transferred by UNHCR. UNHCR payments are exempt from OFAC Sanctions under Title 31: Money and Finance: Treasury → Sub-Part E: Licenses, Authorizations, and Statements of Licensing Policy → §542.513 - Official activities of certain international organizations authorized. UNHCR takes no responsibility for any unsuccessful transfers due to rejection by the Beneficiary bank. Website: 2.8 UNHCR GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS FOR THE PROVISION OF Services Please note that the General Conditions of Contracts (Annex E) will be strictly adhered to for the purpose of any future contract. The Bidder must confirm the acceptance of these terms and conditions in writing.