SUBJECT: Provision of Digital Microwave (PTP & PMP) Systems Background: The Office of Information and Communication Technology (OICT) of the United Nations (UN) Department of Operational Support (DOS) provides comprehensive information and communications systems to its Peacekeeping and Special Political Missions (SPM) throughout the world. In most cases, field missions are located in conflict areas where the local communications infrastructure is either non-existent or partially destroyed. With the start of each new mission operation, OICT is tasked to provide telecommunications and information technology (IT) services support with a short notice. Due to the geographically-dispersed nature of components within the missions, the design of network topology dictates widespread use of various digital wireless solutions, including Point to Point (PTP) and Point to Multi Point (PMP) microwave systems. Usually, each mission has a centrally-located HQ with a number of outlying regional offices, logistic support bases and other field offices. For large-sized missions, the main HQ generally comprises two to three complexes - within a 20 Km radius. There are also remotely located offices within 30 Km from HQ, in addition to others further removed. In some cases, to ensure critical continuity of operations, residences of high ranking officials may be connected to ensure continuity of UN services. These services connect field mission headquarters (HQ) to their field offices, and also to major centers in rural and remote locations that lack adequate or usable ICT infrastructures. The United Nations is seeking an Expression of Interest from suppliers that can provide Digital Microwave (PTP & PMP) technologies and services to be deployed in UN Headquaters, Office away from Headquarters and Field Missions.For further information about the current UN field missions, please consult these references and sources: • Peace Keeping Missions: • Special Political Missions: Objecitves: The objective is to purchase a PTP & PMP digital microwave systems and services that integrate and support other wired and wireless systems in place to all locations in to an intra-mission Wide Area Network (WAN).
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