
2025-2026 Country Programme Evaluations for UNICEF Belize, Eastern Caribbean, Guyana and Suriname, and Jamaica

ProcureProcess - UNICEF Multiple Non Governmental 2025-02-04 to 2025-03-02
2025-2026 Country Programme Evaluations for UNICEF Belize, Eastern Caribbean, Guyana and Suriname, and Jamaica PART I - PURPOSE OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR SERVICES 1. Background 1.1 UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere. 2. Solicitation 2.1 The purpose of this Request for Proposals for Services ("RFPS") is to invite proposals for 2025-2026 Country Programme Evaluations for UNICEF Belize, Eastern Caribbean, Guyana and Suriname, and Jamaica as fully detailed in the Terms of Reference/Statement of Work attached at Annex B. 2.2 This RFPS document is comprised of the following: - This document LRPS-2025-9195638 - The UNICEF General Terms and Conditions of Contract (Services) which are attached as Annex A to this document - The full Terms of Reference/Statement of Work attached at Annex B - Annex C MDM TEMPLATE - ONLINE REGISTRATION TO UNGM-UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL MARKET #LINK: 2.3 This RFPS is an invitation to treat and shall not be construed as an offer capable of being accepted or as creating any contractual, other legal or restitutionary rights.  No binding contract, including a process contract or other understanding or arrangement, will exist between the Proposer and UNICEF and nothing in or in connection with this RFPS shall give rise to any liability on the part of UNICEF unless and until a contract is signed by UNICEF and the successful Proposer. PART II - PROPOSAL SUBMISSION PROCESS 1. Proposal Submission Schedule ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE: 1.   Publication of Proposal: February 04th, 2025 2.   Questions and Answer if necessary: Until February 16th, 2025, before 23:59 (Panama Time) 4.   Pre-Bid Conference February 17th, 2025. Hour 09:00 a.m. Panama time. 3.   Consolidated Q & A posted in UNGM: February 19th, 2025. 4.   Deadline for Proposals: March 02snd, 2025, before 23:59 (Panama Time) 5.   Proposals Review: March 05th, 2025, until March 14th, 2025, approximately 6.   Award Notice sent and posted in UNGM: March 17th, 2025, approximately 7.   Contract begins March 20th, 2025, approximately 1.1 Acknowledgement of receipt of RFPS.  Proposers are requested to inform UNICEF as soon as possible by EMAIL at [email protected] that they have received this RFPS. IMPORTANT: PROPOSALS ARE NOT TO BE SENT TO THE INDIVIDUAL STATED ABOVE - ANY PROPOSALS SENT TO THE ABOVE NAMED INDIVIDUAL WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. 1.2 Questions from Proposers.  Proposers are required to submit any questions in respect of this RFPS by EMAIL at [email protected].   The deadline for receipt of any questions is February 16th, 2025, before 23:59 Panama time. IMPORTANT:  PROPOSALS ARE NOT TO BE SENT TO THE INDIVIDUAL STATED ABOVE - ANY PROPOSALS SENT TO THE ABOVE NAMED INDIVIDUAL WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. Proposers are required to keep all questions as clear and concise as possible. Proposers are also expected to immediately notify UNICEF in writing of any ambiguities, errors, omissions, discrepancies, inconsistencies or other faults in any part of the RFPS, providing full details. Proposers will not benefit from such ambiguities, errors, omissions, discrepancies, inconsistencies or other faults. UNICEF will compile the questions received. UNICEF may, at its discretion, at once copy any anonymized question and its reply to all other invited Proposers and/or post these on the UNICEF website and/or respond to the question at a bid conference. After any such bid conference, a Questions and Answers document may be prepared and posted on the UNICEF website. 1.3 Amendments to RFPS Documents.  At any time prior to the Submission Deadline, UNICEF may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Proposer, modify the RFPS documents by amendment. If the RFPS was available publicly online, amendments will also be posted publicly online. Further, all prospective Proposers that have received the RFPS documents directly from UNICEF will be notified in writing of all amendments to the RFPS documents. In order to afford prospective Proposers reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their Proposals, UNICEF may, at its sole discretion, extend the Submission Deadline. 1.4 Bid conference. A bid conference will be held on February 17th, 2025, at 09:00 am Panama time. Link: Meeting ID: 387 754 216 270 Passcode: H8Yy2wm6 1.5 Submission Deadline. The deadline for submission of proposals is as follows: March 02snd, 2025, before 23:59 Panama time. Any proposals received by UNICEF after the Submission Deadline will be rejected. 1.6 Proposal Opening.  Due to the nature of this RFPS, there will be no public opening of proposals. 2. Language 2.1 The Proposal prepared by the Proposer and all correspondence and documents relating to the Proposal exchanged by the Proposer and UNICEF, will be written in English. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Proposer may be in another language provided that they are accompanied by an appropriate translation in English. When interpreting the Proposal, the translated version of these supporting documents and printed literature will prevail over the original version of these documents. The sole responsibility for translation, including the accuracy of the translation, will rest with the Proposer.

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