Request for Information (RFI) on travel management services1. OverviewThe United Nations Volunteers administered by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (hereinafter referred to as UNDP) on behalf of the UNBonn organizations (hereinafter referred to as UN Organizations) intends to launch a Request for Proposal to contract the services of an IATA registered Travel Management Company (TMC) to carry out all travel related services on a Long term arrangement.UNBonn wishes to engage the TMC for the provision of high quality, world-wide travel services, mainly air travel and rail in compliance with United Nations travel policies and procedures. The UNBonn is a large group and the nature of business demands firm that is in sound financial standing and that has an expert industry knowledge as well as extensive experience in handling complex requirements. It is expected that the service provider possesses highly experienced travel consultants assigned to carry out the bookings and all related services.2. PurposeThe purpose of this RFI is to gather the information on supply market, the scope of services provided by travel management companies, payment method used for corporate customer accounts, etc. to assist in developing/setting the requirements in the bid solicitation document. This process is not to solicit for bids/proposals, not the pre-qualification or not a short list of vendors. The information will enhance UNDP’s knowledge of the local, regional, and international market. 3. Submission Organizations interested in responding to this RFI are requested to submit the information by completing RFI form (please see attached Annex 1) and attach documentation you might find relevant to present information of your company.Any inquiries/clarifications about this RFI should be sent to the below email address mentioned:
[email protected] Please indicate whether you intend to submit a RFI by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the system. This will enable the system to send notifications in case of amendments of the tender requirements. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate using the messaging functionality in the system. RFI must be submitted directly in the system following this link: using the profile you may have in the portal. In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in guides available in UNDP website: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.Thank you and we look forward to receiving the requested information in RFI Form