
For monitoring Ground Water in Bashan Char, Noakhali District and Cox’s Bazar District.

ProcureProcess - UNICEF Bangladesh Non Governmental 2025-01-14 to 2025-02-10
  Title of the assignment Provision of life-saving sustainable WASH services (Ground Water) to the Rohingya refugee population in Bashan Char, Noakhali District and Cox’s Bazar District Purpose The overall purpose of this assignment is to establish LTA (Long Term Agreement) for a period of 24+12 (total 36) months for delivery of Ground water monitor services in relation to availability and quality and subsequently its suitability, adequacy, potential risk and recommendations through advanced Modeling technique to serve Rohingya refugees inhabiting Bhasan Char and Cox’s Bazar and provide support and advocacy to DPHE and other stakeholders on sustainable Groundwater Management under UNICEF’s WASH responsibility Location Bashan Char Island located in Noakhali District and Cox’s Bazar, Ukhiya and Teknaf in Cox’s Bazar District Estimated Duration The assignment will last 36 months, starting on 1 January 2025. While the LTA will be signed for 24 months with additional one year the contract will be issued on an annual basis with partial funding. Amendments will be made based on the availability of funding and needs. Bidders are requested to submit proposals for two years, keeping the above conditions for the contracting duration in mind. Reporting to Technical Supervisor of this assignment WASH Officer   Background   Bhasan Char Island, established just 25 years ago, originally intended to accommodate military families, has seen significant investment from the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) in infrastructure. However, in October 09, 2021, the GoB announced plans to resume relocation of Rohingya refugees/ Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN), with a target of relocating up to 100,000 individuals to the island. As of August 2024, approximately 35,500 Rohingya Refugees are residing on Bhasan Char. Currently, the GoB, alongside 10 to 15 Bangladeshi NGOs, is providing essential humanitarian services, including food, non- food items (NFIs), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), healthcare, livelihoods, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and limited educational activities on the island.   The overall coordination of humanitarian efforts on the island is managed by the GoB in collaboration with the UNHCR, which is responsible for coordinating aid from various UN agencies as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two entities. This MoU facilitates the development of an operational and implementation plan aimed at ensuring effective coordination, resource mobilization, and cooperation among stakeholders for humanitarian assistance in Bhasan Char.   Understanding the Groundwater (GW) situation and monitoring its availability and quality in the fragile context of Bhasan Char is a top priority. This is crucial for defining the necessary mitigation measures to alleviate risks to freshwater resources. The Department of Geology, University of Dhaka with support from UNICEF has conducted a GW assessment study and developed a GW model along with a monitoring network in Bhasan char. The intended study aims to elucidate the occurrence of fresh groundwater, assess variations in groundwater quality across depth, space, and time, and evaluate the abstraction potential while identifying the risks of saline water intrusion into freshwater aquifers. Continuous monitoring of groundwater levels and quality in Bhasan Char is essential for ensuring a safe and sustainable water supply. Monitoring groundwater levels enables authorities to understand aquifer dynamics, ensuring that water supply meets local demands while preventing over-extraction and depletion. This data is vital for informing infrastructure development, guiding investments in wells, pumps, and treatment facilities that can withstand seasonal fluctuations. Furthermore, continuous monitoring supports effective resource management and risk identification, allowing for timely interventions against potential issues like land subsidence and salinization. As climate change impacts groundwater resources, consistent monitoring provides the necessary data to adapt water management strategies accordingly. Overall, this proactive approach not only enhances community health through improved water, sanitation, and hygiene services but also contributes to the resilience of water supply systems in the region.   On the other hand, currently, nearly a million Forcefully Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN) reside in various camps within the Ukhiya and Teknaf Upazila of Cox’s Bazar District. To address their water needs, the WASH sector, which includes the Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) of Cox’s Bazar along with several UN organizations and international NGOs, has developed a well field network in the Dupi Tila aquifer, particularly in the Kutupalong Mega Camp area. A groundwater flow model was subsequently created to evaluate the impact of planned pumping on the aquifer and its effects on both the FDMN camps and the surrounding host community. Continuous updating of this model is required and UNICEF is supporting the government in this regard. With growing needs of availability of safe water, the number of production wells has increase with time and the WASH Sector is working on a new water strategy. It is therefore important to provide support to DPHE and the WASH Sector through updating the model accordingly and reassess the model prediction and impact on water resources in coming years and it is intended that the model will eventually be handed over to the DPHE. Continuous monitoring of the installed wells is essential for refining this model and enhancing the DPHE’s capacity, ensuring a sustainable water supply for both the FDMN camps and nearby communities.   To support these efforts, the DPHE has established a Groundwater Modeling Unit in Cox’s Bazar with assistance from UNICEF. This unit has set up a data receiving server and installed six modern telemetry loggers, along with twelve non-telemetry loggers in various boreholes within Cox’s Bazar Municipality. Continuous monitoring is critical for effective groundwater management in this popular tourist area, especially to meet the increasing demand for water. Furthermore, UNICEF is supporting DHPE to monitor 28 wells installed within camps and surrounding areas along with previously installed monitoring wells by   IWM and IOM. DPHE plans to centralize all monitoring data from FDMN camps and surrounding areas within this Groundwater Modeling Unit. An important component of this initiative involves advocacy for the development and maintenance of a sustainable modeling division within the DPHE, supported by long- term Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) and agreements with various stakeholders. A detailed work plan is outlined in the following section.   2.Objectives, Purpose and Expected Results The overall objectives are to ensure continuous monitoring, modeling and reporting of groundwater situation and evaluating the risks to freshwater resources in the Bhasan char island and Cox’s Bazar district in terms of water supply for the Rohingya. Specific objectives include:   Implement continuous monitoring of groundwater quality and quantity in Bhasan Char and Cox’s Bazar, providing necessary guidelines and support to take timely action as required through live monitoring. This will include the following: Renovate and upgrade the existing groundwater monitoring network. Ensure live (automated) monitoring systems to track groundwater levels and electrical conductivity (EC) in selected locations. Conduct detailed analysis of major ion (chemistry) twice a year to detect any changes that may not be evident through EC monitoring alone. Collect and evaluate monitoring data every three months to assess the current groundwater conditions and potential risks. Develop and train a technical team capable of responding quickly to any negative changes in groundwater quality indicated by the monitoring data, ensuring effective and timely intervention.   GIS/RS-Based Assessment of Short-Term Land Use Changes and Erosion/Accretion in Bhasan Char, including: Develop updated land use, erosion, and accretion maps using GIS and remote sensing (RS) techniques. Monitor land subsidence through Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) surveys and satellite imagery.   Calibration and Continuous Updates of Groundwater Model Predictions for Effective Management, including: Regularly update the groundwater models (Bhasan Char, Cox’s Bazar town and Ukhiya-Teknaf) with field monitoring data to improve its accuracy and reliability. Run various scenarios based on current demand and future planning needs to support informed decision-making. Strengthening DPHE ground water modelling unit for integrated groundwater monitoring through continuous monitoring, modeling, situation analysis reporting and preparing action plans. Implement continuous monitoring of groundwater levels and water quality (EC) using telemetry data loggers (where necessary) and non-telemetry data loggers in camps and host communities in Ukhiya, Teknaf, and the Cox’s Bazar Municipal area. Provide necessary support to WASH partners for effective groundwater quality and quantity monitoring and collect data to facilitate resource management. Assist DPHE and the WASH Sector in designing sustainable safe water supply systems and developing future groundwater management strategies for camps and host communities in the Cox’s Bazar district, in alignment with the new water strategy.   Provide evidence for advocacy to the government for institutionalization of the Ground Water Monitoring Unit to provide continuous hydrogeological support for sustainable water resource management in FDM camp and host communities Support advocacy briefs development and training programs for DPHE professionals on integrated groundwater monitoring systems to ensure sustainable use and management. Provide dedicated hydrogeological support to DPHE for its ongoing projects to improve water management and coordination in the Cox’s Bazar district. Description of Assignment (Scope of Work): The scopes of work under the assignment are: Bhasan Char Renovation and upgradation of the monitoring networks. Groundwater level Monitoring (manual and data logger) Groundwater quality (EC) monitoring through telemetry system. Live monitoring for early warning and action Pre and post monsoon laboratory analysis of Major water chemistry GIS/RS based Assessment of Short-term Landuse Change and Erosion/Accretion in the Island Land subsidence monitoring through RTK survey Synthesis of data from all activities and updating the groundwater model Provision of evidence and advocacy briefs to promote effective Groundwater Management. Reporting and facilitation of meetings   Cox’s Bazar Renovation and upgradation of the monitoring networks. Provide support to WASH partners on effective Ground water monitoring and data collection for resource management. Continuous monitoring of groundwater level and water quality using Telemetry data loggers (where necessary) through the server in groundwater modelling unit and by data logger (non- telemetry). Continuous upgradation of developed groundwater models by using monitoring data for assessing the year-round storage and quality and to design sustainable safe water supply and to develop system for groundwater management for Cox’s Bazar district. Preparation of groundwater monitoring guidelines and manual for resource monitoring. Advocacy and required support to DPHE personnel through formal and informal training/meeting programme on monitoring and model update to facilitate technology transfer to DPHE. Conduct technical briefings and progress review meetings on the findings and reporting activities for UNICEF and DPHE. Continue Hydrogeological support through provision of technical assistance and capacity building to DPHE, WASH Sector partners and other stakeholders.   4.Deliverables   Description of expected deliverables.   Expected results/deliverables Bhasan Char and Cox’s Bazar Report on renovation of the existing groundwater network, Upgradation of the monitoring system, Report on RS/GIS based update on landuse, erosion, accretion map Updated GW model prediction with monitoring data Advocacy briefs and technical briefing reports developed. Updated reports on groundwater situation in Bhasan Char and Cox’s Bazar based on the monitoring data Reports on continuous Hydrogeological support to DPHE, WASH Sector partners Reports on Trainings provided for DPHE professionals. Reports on six-monthly review meeting and status update     5.Payment Schedule Payments will be made on submission and approval of quarterly progress reports and achieving the deliverables listed and results achieved quarterly report to be submitted in hard copy and the online humanitarian reporting portal. The cumulative amount paid at each quarter shall not exceed the amount shown on the table below:   Instalme nt Deliverables (as per details indicated in each specific contract) Timeline % Of contract amount 01 Inception report in 15 days upon signing of the contract for the 12 months contract period and contract value 15 days after signing 20 02 First quarterly progress report (after 3 months of signing the contract) and upon delivery of all agreed tasks within the quarter 3 months after signing 10 03 Second quarterly progress report to be submitted after the 6-month contract and upon delivery of all agreed tasks within the quarter 6 months after signing 20 04 Third quarterly progress report to be submitted after the 09-month contract and upon delivery of all agreed tasks within the quarter 9 months after signing 20 05 Fourth quarterly progress report to be submitted after the 12-month contract and upon delivery of all agreed tasks within the quarter and the final contract report 12 months after signing 30   6.Qualification requirement of the company/institution/organization   Consulting firm or institution has a similar type of contract as well as working experience on WASH, groundwater study, water quality, environmental assessment with IOM, UNICEF, UNHCR or any other entities. The firm/institution must have a minimum of five years of experience in similar groundwater and water supply assessments/monitoring/studies. Technical experience in groundwater survey and geophysical surveys Flexibility to accommodate changes in the deliverables as per changing needs The agency must have an effective financial management system to provide regular bills, cost estimates and invoices Technical experience in implementation of appropriate, gender-sensitive and inclusive WASH facilities that meet the safety and dignity needs of women and girls and vulnerable persons Have relevant organisational policies that is actively implemented for protection from sexual exploitation and abuse of the affected population Excellent coordination capacity with Government officials, NGOs, and key camp/host community stakeholders   7.Reporting requirements   Both technical and financial proposal need to be submitted to evaluate the proposal. Both proposals must contain the following: a)The technical proposal shall contain but not be limited to the following: Analysis of the context, background of the similar experience, its relevancy action proposed. Proposed methodology to carry out the service, including implementation timeline and resources used to achieve the project results within the timeframe. Specify the resources to be allocated: Key staff: number of teams involved in their tasks, organisation, and coordination at district/central office level. Equipment, techniques, and technologies used. b)The Financial Proposal must include costs for all the services to be provided: Cost for the services Tentative Payment schedule     8.Payment Schedule Payments will be made in advance (20%) to awarded organisation as per agreed breakdown. The Organisation shall submit fund request for quarter 1 upon submission of the quarterly report.   9.Evaluation Process and Method   The criteria for technical proposal evaluation are as follows:   CATEGORY POINTS I.        OVERALL RESPONSE 5 points Comprehension of the scope and objectives, along with the completeness of the response, including the overall alignment between UNICEF requirements and the proposals. 5 II.        STANDARD STRATEGY/METHODOLOGY 10 points Quality of proposed implementation plan, i.e how the bidder will 6 undertake each task, and time-schedules;   Risk assessment - recognition of the risks/peripheral problems and 2 methods to prevent and manage risks/peripheral problems.   Timelines proposed must be detailed and realistic; 2 III.        EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE OF CONTRACTOR 45 points Demonstration of professional expertise and a proven track record in 20 developing monitoring network for water supply systems, in refugee   camps including BC and rural host communities. 2 Environment and social management (ESS & ESMP) including climate   change issues in relation to Ground water management experience. 18 Experience in GW model-based water projects management in the   refugee camps including BC and host communities. 5 Evidence of collaborating and coordinating with government entities,   such as local government, RRRC/CiC, and DPHE, Navy, WASH Sector   and the communities.   IV.        TECHNICAL CAPACITY OF THE PROPOSED TEAM 10 points Team Lead with a minimum of 5-10 years of experience in project 5 management, specifically within the WASH sector.   Modeller (5-10 Years relevant experience) 3 General skills and competencies for all other team members.     2 TOTAL MARKS 70

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