CONSTRUCTION OF POULTRY FACILITIES AND WATER SOURCE AND SYSTEM IN CINTA, COMPOUNDSUE AND GBARMA, LIBERIA This action is funded by the United Arab Emirate (UAE) Government and aims to improved irrigation systems for upland farming, supporting rural women groups through livelihood empowerment projects inclusive of poultry facilities construction and fishponds in selected communities. Gbarma and Compoundsu in Gbarpolu County were among the selected communities to benefit poultry facilities. However, due to some unforeseen challenges, the facilities that had started construction were left in uncompleted states. The current contract is envisioned to be finish the projects. Additionally, the current water source at the FAO model garden in Cinta (Margibi County) is unable to meet the water demand for the completed irrigation system. With this, the need for connecting a second water source is deemed paramount.
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