The UNICEF Eastern Caribbean Area Office (ECA) invites your company to submit an offer for the attached Request for Proposal for Services. The Proposals must be received by the latest 07 February 2025, Friday, on or before 17:00hrs (GMT-4.00 Eastern Time). Proposals received after the stipulated date and time will not be valid. Due to the nature of this RFP, there will be no public opening of the proposals. Full proposals must be submitted in ENGLISH and must be received not later than the closure date and time as duly signed, stamped and dated. Bidders are requested to send electronic version of their proposals by email as duly signed and stamped pdf documents to (
[email protected]) in two (2) separate emails with the tender reference in their email subjects: Email Subject: Confidential: RFP/2025/01/BRIDGETOWN/ECA- Consultancy services to develop a Snapshot on children’s right situation in the Eastern Caribbean Area One email for technical proposals One email for financial proposals Financial proposals will only be used when an offer is evaluated technically accepted and therefore, eligible for opening of the financial proposals. All other provisions of the tender are still binding, and proposals received in any other manner will not be valid. All requests for formal clarification or queries on this RFP must be submitted in writing to UNICEF ECA Supply & Procurement Unit via email (til 06th February 2025, Thursday, closure of business at the latest) to:
[email protected].