
To estimate immunization coverage with high-resolution satellite imagery, spatial sample modeling methods, and lightweight mobile data collection in Bangladesh to identify communities with low coverag

ProcureProcess - UNICEF Bangladesh Non Governmental 2024-11-29 to 2025-01-09
TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR INSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT Title Estimate immunization coverage with high-resolution satellite imagery, spatial sample modeling methods, and lightweight mobile data collection in Bangladesh to identify communities with low coverage. Purpose To support the Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI), the Director General of Health Services (DGHS) and the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOH&FW) Bangladesh in improving immunization coverage and addressing the equity gap. Location The project scope to cover 02 districts and 01 city corporation with a plan to scale it to areas with low-performing areas Districts: Any 02 Districts from (Dhaka, Naranganj, Moulvibazar, Sylhet, Habiganj, Sunamganj, Jamalpur, Netrokona, Bandarban, Rangmati, Khagrachari, Cumilla, Cox’s Bazar, Narail, Gopalganj, Kishoreganj) City Corporations: Any 01 City Corporation from (Dhaka North, Dhaka South, Narayanganj, Sylhet, Rangpur, Khulna, Chattogram and Gazipur City Corporation) Estimated Duration 12 months   Reporting to Technical Supervisor of this assignment Health Manager (HSS), UNICEF And Health Manager (Immunization), UNICEF      1. Background Bangladesh’s achievement in the national Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) is globally recognized as an example of a success story for Low-and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). Though Bangladesh has achieved a lot in immunization, there are still gaps in the program's equitable coverage in urban/     rural areas, Hard-to-reach (HTR)/     non-HTR, and administrative vs survey coverage. For sub-block, community, ward, union, and Upazila levels, administrative data is the only available source. The denominator for this administrative data is based on the estimated denominator or the previous year’s vaccination data. There has always been a big difference between administrative and survey coverage in all Coverage Evaluation Surveys (CES). Additionally, there are some challenges with survey-based coverage information: one, it is only available up to the district level; and second, information is not available every year as these surveys are conducted every 2-3 years. This is a major constraint to finding out the immunization coverage gap in specific areas or communities, especially Hard to Reach (HTR) areas where there is the possibility of missing or unreached households by a health worker.   2. Purpose Objectives, Expected Results, and required functionality of the system 2.1 Purpose The GIS-based coverage estimates approach of geospatial sampling, combined with targeted surveys, can result in a more accurate denominator and immunization coverage estimate that is closest to the “true” immunization coverage of children in a specific area and can help Bangladesh to achieve equitable, high coverage of immunization services. In order to improve the accuracy of immunization coverage estimating robust denominators by combining high-resolution satellite imagery, spatial sampling statistical methods, and lightweight mobile data collection that will enable health Upazila/District level managers to calculate “true” immunization coverage for their catchment area on a monthly basis.   The purpose of this call is to seek a vendor that can support Bangladesh UNICEF, government and local technical partners in piloting the implementation of a tool for GIS-based immunization coverage estimates, adequately fine-tuned to the contextual EPI coverage monitoring needs in Bangladesh,  and establish the core capacity that will support the scaling of the tool and scale the system to any part of Bangladesh by UNICEF, government and local technical partners.   2.2 Objectives   The adoption of a digital tool to utilize high-resolution satellite imagery, spatial sample modeling methods, and lightweight mobile data collection for true coverage estimation is expected to result in a number of benefits:   Enhance the accuracy of immunization coverage estimate – Develop and implement a GIS-based approach that utilizes geospatial sampling in selected areas to conduct targeted surveys and produce more accurate immunization coverage estimates to identify gaps. Improve Denominator accuracy – Strengthen the robustness of denominator data by integrating high-resolution satellite imagery, spatial sampling statistical methods, and lightweight mobile data collection tools to ensure precise population estimates for the calculation of immunization coverage through routine systems. Support Equitable service delivery – Utilize accurate immunization coverage estimate to Bangladesh to achieve equitable immunization coverage through identifying underserved areas.  Strengthen the capacity of MIS, DGHS, and local partners to continuously refine and monitor immunization coverage to ensure the sustainability and scalability of this technology.   Expected results. Improved Immunization Coverage Estimates: The GIS-based approach will result in more accurate immunization coverage estimates, closely reflecting the actual coverage in specific areas, allowing for better planning and resource allocation. Enhanced Data Quality and Denominator Accuracy: The system will produce robust denominator data by integrating high-resolution satellite imagery and advanced spatial sampling techniques, leading to more reliable immunization coverage calculations. Equitable Service Delivery: Achieving a more accurate understanding of immunization coverage will support targeted interventions, ensuring that all regions, especially underserved areas, receive appropriate levels of maternal and immunization services. Data-Driven Decision-Making: The availability of precise and reliable coverage data will facilitate data-driven decision-making at all levels of the healthcare system, leading to more strategic and impactful health interventions. The required functionalities of the system Using high-resolution satellite imagery and community mapping that will be provided by UNICEF/MIS-DGHS  to identify all potential liveable structures in a community Automatically generate, using an adaptive sampling method, a list of households to be visited by community surveillance teams; Display the sampling location to Community surveillance teams through an OPENSRP-based module accessible within the existing OPENSRP mobile application with offline maps capabilities that will allow teams to navigate and identify the specific structures they are tasked to visit and verify if it is a household (liveable structure). For any eligible children found in the household from the sample location, the OpenSRP-based systems True Coverage data collection module will be integrated with the existing OPENSRP-based application, with a capability of two-way data exchange with existing backend system of OpenSRP and survey system to record their immunization status by checking their EPI cards and capturing basic socioeconomic data on the household to attempt to predict risk better. This tool should seamlessly integrate with the OpenSRP-based Individual tracking system already deployed in Bangladesh. The OpenSRP version should be the same as the one currently used in Bangladesh. Integration and Interoperability: The proposal must indicate if the system is implemented considering the Principles for Digital Development. e.g., the system must use open source, open data, and open standards for interoperability with existing systems. There must be flexibility in reading data from different sources using APIs to pull and integrate data. The APIs must be well-documented and included in the final initiative deliverables. The system should allow bulk data to be downloaded in different formats (machine-readable and documents – e.g., PNG, CSV, JSON, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint). The system should have a design that integrates or is interoperable with the existing systems in MIS, DGHS. The proposal must include the associated effort and costed work plan for the integration or interoperability. The system should then automatically calculate a “true” coverage rate for the area, enabling health teams to visualize on a map where the greatest immunization needs lie within their jurisdictions in order to adjust their immunization strategy, micro plan and outreach services Seamless Integration with existing systems: OpenSRP-based Individual tracking system, E-tracker     3. Description of Assignment          The vendor will be expected to:            Assess specific Bangladesh context/needs in terms of EPI coverage monitoring and local technical capacity for hosting, maintenance, and use of the software solution       Develop the system to implement the required functionalities or adapt an existing system to the specified requirements and Bangladesh context. Build necessary data integration & sharing to ensure interoperability of the system with the relevant component of the EPI digital ecosystem in Bangladesh, including specifically (i) Importing of Geospatial data from repositories (ii) Exporting coverage information to the Health Management Information System used for coverage monitoring (DHIS2) and (iii) Exchange of data with the OpenSRP-based Individual tracking system already deployed in Bangladesh.  Phase I      deployment      (1 District and 1 City Corporation) Initialize the system with relevant data. Full-fledge deployment of the system in all its components for coverage surveys Support evaluation of pilot deployment in selected areas, including software UAT, field deployment, and data integration & sharing pipeline Adaptation of the system, data integration, and sharing pipeline based on the outcome of the pilot evaluation. Phase II      deployment in 1 additional district.            Initialize the system with relevant data Deployment Evaluation of additional deployment in selected areas, including software UAT, field deployment, and data integration & sharing pipeline   Produce training material and handover material, including SOPS, training manual, etc. on system management, customization, and use Capacity building of in-country staff on system operations and maintenance, including DGHS and local partners, through a dedicated training program Complete system (frontend and backend) handover to Bangladesh DGHS and local partners to scale the system in additional low-performing areas in Bangladesh.   Responsibilities UNICEF will support the process as follows: Be responsible for coordinating with the DGHS, MOH&FW, Bangladesh, and other stakeholders (as necessary) as well as logistics around organizing meetings, training, etc and providing access to the facilities Provide the necessary hardware, hosting environment, and fees required to network, internet, and other expenses during the Development Phase The partner will provide the following software services: Develop comprehensive Functional (see system requirements above) and non-functional requirements Support in sourcing or providing necessary data sets Develop and update prototype(s) for Bangladesh The partner will run the system on the local server in the country. The partner should ensure that the system can be installed on the MIS, DGHS servers. Provide documentation and access required for integration Be responsible for capacity-building activities with DGHS-MIS staff Technical training covering chatbot configuration and administration as well as end-user operations. SLA, if required, to cover the whole duration of the contract. The SLA shall clearly define what is covered under a fair use warranty (which shall not be billed to UNICEF) and what will be covered under the support and maintenance portion, billed to UNICEF based on agreed rates, outputs/reports, and estimated LOE. The partner shall provide UNICEF with a project management software tool to be used by all UNICEF offices to ensure shared oversight, coordination, and transparency. Further, the SLA shall define escalation processes and protocols. All the source codes and documentation should be shared via GitHub. All software used for the purpose of this assignment should be Free and Open Source. If there are any dependencies on external systems, the vendor should clearly notify UNICEF of that in the proposal.   4. Deliverables   Inception report   Key information to be included in the inception report: a comprehensive set of functional and non-functional system requirements based on the assessment of Bangladesh EPI monitoring needs and programmatic context, Detailed solution implementation (or adaptation) plan with a timeline Details on User Acceptance Tests used to confirm each of the requirements Proposed approach for local capacity building and training based on the assessment of local partners' capacity (including the number of training sessions, in-person/remote modality of delivery)_   Implementation of GIS-based coverage estimate approach of geospatial sampling, combined with targeted surveys using tools in selected areas for estimating the true coverage   System development or customization/modification/upgrade for implementation in selected areas (Districts and City Corporations) Implementation of the application, in partnership with MIS, DGHS, and local partners, in 2 districts and 1 city corporation. Routine management of the system Carrying out any necessary system patching, updates, and upgrades. Assist focal staff in the initial operation of the developed system. Carry out regular system backup etc. System monitoring monitoring system performance during the pilot, responding to bugs and requests for fixes, produce reports and analytics to evaluate system performance. Troubleshooting at both application and user level. monitoring for potential service disruptions. regarding service failures due to technology, the vendor has to come up with a ‘Service Level Agreements’ (see responsibilities) to ensure that technology disruption is minimized and quickly solved in case it happens.   Capacity building & knowledge sharing   Develop user manuals for data entry (     immunization     ) Develop technical manual for MIS IT personnel of DGHS, MOHFW Dissemination and capacity building of DGHS and development partners on the use of the tool for managing at the country level (methodology, tools - high-resolution satellite imagery, spatial sample modelling methods, and lightweight mobile data collection) Capacity development of local service providers, DGHS MIS staff, and Development partners to support maintenance, local testing and scale-up in urban and rural settings. Knowledge transfer to technical staff on supporting and managing the system and fixing bugs, incorporating any changes - customization/modification/upgradation. At the end of the end of the project term, the Bangladesh MIS IT personnel should be able to adopt the tool and scale the system to any part of Bangladesh without further assistance or dependence from the vendor   Data integration & sharing   Share database-level authentication, source code & documentation with MIS, DGHS & UNICEF to enable the direct extraction of data from the database. Support the DGHS-MIS and UNICEF technical team to extract the database level from the system Develop APIs for integration as per requirements for maps. Development of a data visualization platform as part of the existing EPI data visualization to track each mother and child with service monitoring from the guidance of MIS, EPI, MNCAH & UNICEF Develop and validate the integration of core geospatial data (village, HFs, admin boundaries) with HF registry and other repositories.   5. Reporting requirements   An Inception Report should be submitted two weeks after the start of the requirements gathering between the partner and UNICEF     . After this point, written monthly reports should be submitted by email by the 1st week of next month. Monthly progress meetings will be held online.   Types of typical reports & deadlines are listed below: - Inception Report within two weeks of requirements gathering     . Progress Reports by 1st week of every month. Minutes of Meetings within two days after the meetings. Mission Reports within ten days of each mission. Technical Reports on a bi-monthly basis.       Draft Final Report within two weeks of completion of fieldwork. Final Report within two weeks of receipt of comments by UNICEF technical supervisor. Training/presentation material before one week of the date of the training/presentation.     6. Payment Schedule        20% of the total fee upon submission of the inception report. 30% of the total fee on completion of phase I and submission of the report of activities after four months of activities completion 30% of the total fee is charged on completion of phase II and submission of the activity report. 20% of the total fee on completion of the project and submission and approval report of completed deliverables at the end of 12 months.      7. Qualification requirement of the company/institution/organization   The partner should: have active experience in providing the services for at least 5 years; be registered and licensed to provide the selected Services; have implemented or ongoing 3 (three) contracts of a similar nature with organizations/ companies of similar magnitude and complexity. Engaging a local partner in Bangladesh is strongly encouraged to build local capacity. use of Open-Source software tools with no license fees is strongly encouraged. If there are any dependencies on external software, the proposal should clearly state them.   7a. Qualification requirement of the team (optional)   Specify the professional requirements of the individual(s) and/or team(s) for the assignment, including required experience, skills and qualifications, if applicable: Number of requested experts per category (e.g. team leader, supervisor...etc.) Profile required (education, experience, category of each expert and working language(s) etc)   8. Evaluation Process and Method   Please refer to the technical evaluation criteria and qualifying points below. Customize the evaluation criteria according to the requirement in the ToR, if required.   EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR TECHNICAL PROPOSAL    CATEGORY POINTS OVERALL RESPONSE * Understanding of and responsiveness to UNICEF Bangladesh Office requirements; * Understanding of scope, objectives, and completeness of response; * Overall concord between UNICEF requirements and the proposal.   (05) 02 02 01 METHODOLOGY AND DETAILED TIMELINE * Quality of the proposed approach and methodology; * Suitability of the approach: To what extent the methodology is designed in response to the needs of the TOR; * Quality of proposed implementation plan, i.e, how the bidder will undertake each task, and time schedules; *Risk assessment - recognition of the risks/peripheral problems and methods to prevent and manage risks/peripheral problems. * Timelines proposed must be detailed and realistic; (35) 10 10   05   05   05 ORGANISATIONAL CAPACITY and PROPOSED TEAM * Professional expertise of the firm/company/organization, knowledge, and experience with similar projects, contracts, clients, and consulting assignments * Team leader: Relevant experience, qualifications, and position with the firm; * Team members - Relevant experience, skills & competencies; * Organization of the team and roles & responsibilities;   (30) 10   10 05 05     TOTAL MARKS   70   For this RFP, the Technical Proposal has a total score of 70 points. Bidders must score a minimum of 49 points to be considered technically compliant and in order for the Financial Proposals to be opened. The financial proposal has a total score of 30 points.   The final selection of the bidder will be based on quality and cost as specified in the RFP.  

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