Dear Sir/Madam, UNICEF Cambodia Wishes to invite eligible firms/institutions to submit a proposal for Institutional Service to Leveraging Financing from Impact Investors for Enhancing Private Water Operators' Access to Finance in Cambodia (Detail information, please read annex B TOR). * Questions from Proposers: Proposers must submit any questions regarding this LRPS by EMAIL to Dalin Bou via email
[email protected], and
[email protected]; The deadline for receipt of any questions is COB 21 January 2025. **Proposal Submission Deadline: The deadline for submission of proposals is extended to Tuesday, 11 February 2025 by 10:00 AM Cambodia local time. Late proposal submission will not be acceptable. *** Proposal Submission: Email submission: All e-mailed Proposals must be submitted to the ONLY ACCEPTABLE E-MAIL ADDRESS
[email protected] in a non-editable format (i.e., PDF), clearly marked with the tender number (LRPS-9195322), No other recipient should be "Cc" or "Bcc" in the e-mail submission. Proposals received in any other manner will be invalidated. Properly emailed complete offers documents as below: Request for Proposal for service form ( LRPS-9195322).This FORM must be completed, signed and returned to UNICEF. which should be duly signed by the authorized representative of the submitting company. Technical Proposal file clearly named as “Technical Proposal_ LRPS-9195322” Financial Proposal file clearly named as “Financial Proposal - LRPS-9195322” Annex 2. which should be password protected. Note: Upon receipt of technical evaluation result, Supply and Procurement Staff will contact the technically qualified bidders to ask the password for accessing the financial proposal. Please Note: email should not exceed 10MB. In the bid response is larger than 10MB, please zip the files or divide the response into separate files and send in multiple emails instead. All proposals submitted by e-mail must be submitted as email attachments. Email links (e.g., to documents to be downloaded from cloud-based folders) are not acceptable unless otherwise specified. Bids received in any other manner will be INVALIDATED. We appreciate for prompt confirmation receipt of this REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES LRPS-9195322 and we hope that you will be interested in this project and we look forward to receiving your offer before proposal closing time/date. All Proposal documents is published at Procurement Opportunities ( Reference LRPS-2025-9195322 and UNICEF Website Supply and procurement Supply and procurement | UNICEF Cambodia