
Request for Expression of Interest Hiring a Service Provider to Manage Catering Services at Red Roof Humanitarian Hub in Maiduguri

ProcureProcess - IOM Nigeria Non Governmental 2025-02-12 to 2025-02-24
Dear Vendor, IOM is pleased to invite your company to submit a best offer Proposal for the attached  Request for Expression of Interest Hiring a Service Provider to Manage Catering Services at Red Roof Humanitarian Hub in Maiduguri Kindly submit your quotation signed and stamped to [email protected] on or before 12:00 Hours, 24 February 2024. Please mention the EOI number and title on your email subject while responding. Vendors are advised to study the instructions on the EOI and adhere strictly to them as non-compliant quotations shall not be attended to. All quotations must be submitted before the above stated deadline. Kindly send any questions or inquiries as a reply to this email. Best Regards, IOM Maiduguri Tender

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