This is a Request for Expression of Interest for a solicitation process that will follow and not the actual solicitation. Exact requirements will be in the solicitaiton document which will be shared with the parties expressing their interest. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Group System-Wide Evaluation Office (SWEO) are seeking to establish multiple five year contracts with companies, institutes, or service providers to undertake program evaluations and similar evaluative exercises. The main purpose of evaluations conducted by OCHA is to contribute to improving current and future humanitarian action by identifying transformative solutions that help OCHA and the humanitarian system act in ways that are, over time, more and more accountable, localized, and inclusive. Evaluations contribute to evidence-based decision-making, strengthening organizational and system-wide learning and promoting accountability towards affected people, national governments, donors, and the public. The main purpose of System Wide Evaluations which are conducted by the SWEO is to assess the combined contributions of United Nations entities to achieve the goals and targets set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The evaluations are conducted as a whole-of-United Nations approach with a focus on collective performance, results and learning across the development system. They are focused on activities that cannot be adequately addressed through existing accountability mechanisms. The SWEO also conducts evaluations of multi-donor trust funds and initiatives in which United Nations entities work together towards a common objective. Three types of evaluations will be included in the solictation: 1. Inter-agency humanitarian evaluations (e.g., IAHE) of collective, humanitarian responses, called Lot 1, and, 2. OCHA corporate evaluations, called Lot 2, and, 3. System-wide evaluations of the United Nations Development System, called Lot 3. Evaluations are considered as a broad category that will include other evaluative elements, for example evaluability assessments, reviews and lesson learned exercises, evaluation evidence maps, synthesis, summaries etc. Next to headquarter based evaluations, services will be required globally, with a focus on humanitarian crises (Lot 1 + 2) and system-wide evaluation with a focus on the United Nations development system (Lot 3). The invited suppliers will be able to submit proposals for specific lots or all the lots. Providing services to OCHA/SWEO under the contracts will be subject to a mini-secondary competition process among the contractors.
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