UNHCR Private Sector Partnerships (PSP) France is seeking to appoint a qualified service provider for individual giving fundraising program coordination services in France. The service provider must have proven experience in this area and must ensure the highest possible standard and deliver services within set deadlines. We are seeking to enter collaboration with the selected provider upon completion of this process, tentatively in January 2025. The service is needed for a minimum of 2 days and maximum 4 days a week or approx. a 6–7-month period. For any questions, regarding the requirements, please contact: Erzsebet Gal,
[email protected] Please read carefully eTender Registration Guide (Annex G) and eTender Supplier User Manual (Annex H). All bids are required to be submitted by file upload to eTenderBox, the online bid registration tool of UNHCR. The eTenderBox can be accessed via the following hyperlink: https://etenderbox.unhcr.org The deadline to receive your quotation is: 17TH OF JANUARY 2025 23:59 PM CET