Dear Sir/Madam, Greeting from UNICEF CO Office Sudan, You are kindly requested to ensure your pricing submission follows the guidelines outlined in the LITB#9195615 and to use the provided financial template for your pricing. All proposals must be sent by email to
[email protected] ONLY no later than the 25.02.2025, @ (12:00 Noon time) Sudan local time, otherwise they will be considered invalid. The BID FORM (page 3 - 5 of this document) must be completed and returned to UNICEF alongside the proposals. Proposals must be submitted electronically in English. And the LITB#9195615 must be shown in the subject line of the email . Currency of proposal is UNITED STATES DOLLARS (USD). Proposals received in any other manner will be INVALIDATED Attached:- LITB#9195615 for procurement of water tank on long term agreement, and UNICEF General Terms and Conditions of Contract (Goods) which are attached as Annex A to this document. Annex B- Prices list per quantity range. Annex C- UNICEF MDM-Vendor Master Registration Template). Annex D- UNGM vendor registration process guidance document). Annex E- PSEA Advocacy materials Thank you and regards, Ali A. Alsheikh (Msc. SCM) Supply Associate | Operations Section | UNICEF Sudan Country Office Tel: +249 156553670; Ext.429 Mobile: +249 912154698; +249 912581323 Email:
[email protected] …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. UNICEF Sudan | Gereif West, Manshiya, Block#3 Hara 1/D, Omak Street – East Khartoum P.O.BOX 1358, Khartoum Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,