PROSPECTS in Egypt is designing a tracer study to assess the impacts of the programme on its beneficiaries. The baseline of the tracer survey will focus on project beneficiaries who are just beginning to participate in phase two project interventions, or who have participated in ILO PROSPECTS activities in the first phase and will continue to benefit from PROSPECTS in the second phase. The consultancy firm will work closely with the programme team to design a detailed assessment of the outcome-level indicators that can be assessed using this approach. Specifically, the tracer survey will be used to capture baseline data about the following indicators: • 2a) Number of new employment and/or self-employment (business) opportunities supported by PROSPECTS • 2b) Number of FDPs/HC members already employed or self-employed who have either increased their income, enhanced their working conditions or maintained resilient livelihoods • 2.1b) Number of FDPs/HCs who have been issued work permits and/or business registrations (or other relevant operating licenses) with support from prospects • 2.3a) Number of FDPs/HCs accessing financial services (bank account, loan or another financial product) to support their business/coop with PROSPECTS support • Index of decent work for FDPs and host community members, namely the presence of explicit contractual relation, social security, a safe working environment and satisfactory income/wages as well as the absence of discrimination. • A self-reliance index for FDPs and host communities. • The social cohesion situation between refugees and host communities. • Other information of interest in the framework of ILO PROSPECTS which can help understand better the impacts of the programme at a later stage
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