Greetings from UNICEF Sudan. UNICEF Sudan Country Office wishes to invite you to submit your offers in USD Currency for Provision of(Last Mile Transportation -transportation from state/localities to facilities) services (On Long Term Arrangement) for 24 months extendable depending on the continued needs and performance of the contracted companies. This email in case you did not notice or receive alert from UNGM website, the Bid was published in UNGM as per the link below: Bid submission: Bid can be submitted only in soft copies through UNICEF secure e-mail specified below:
[email protected] All corporate entities should be registered on the United Nations Global Marketplace website ( before engaging in any activity with UNICEF. In case your firm is not registered yet on the UNGM site, you are advised to register and provide the UNGM number within your bid document, guidelines on how you can register as supplier on UNGM is attached for your easy reference. The bidders shall provide their best Technical & Financial proposals and shall be based strictly in accordance with this Invitation to bid package provided within the attached document together with any further documents, data and/or addenda that may be issued during the quoting period, all of which shall form the basis of a commitment between UNICEF and the successful Bidder. All LRPS process shall be in respect of the Essential information. The Last date for questions & clarifications is 12th of February 2025 at 11:59hrs. Sudan Local time to be addressed to: Eltayeb Saeed at
[email protected] copying Ali Alsheikh &
[email protected] All proposals must be sent by email to
[email protected] ONLY no later than 19.02.2025 at 23:59am Sudan Local Time (+02:00 GMT), otherwise, it will be considered as not valid. The BID FORM (page 3,4 & 5 of this document) must be completed and returned to UNICEF together alongside with technical and financial the proposals. Proposals must be submitted electronically in English in two separate emails (one for Technical and one for Financial). LRPS-2025-9195677 Technical Proposal” must be shown in the subject line of the email consisting of the technical proposal. AND the reference “LRPS-2025-9195677 Technical Proposal” must be shown in the subject line of the email consisting of the financial proposal. Currency of proposal is UNITED STATES DOLLARS (USD). Proposals received in any other manner will be INVALIDATED. This RFPS document is comprised of the following: - This document, the LRPS#2025-9195677. - Annex A GTC part of the LRPS-2025-9195677. - Annex B TOR for last mile transportation. - Annex C Financial template structure for rate in CBM price. - Annex D Financial template structure for Rate in MT. - Annex E PSEA to be familiar with. - Annex F How to register as a supplier on UNGM (1). - Annex G Annex G- Environmental and Social Standard Clause for Transport Vendors. Ali A. Alsheikh (Msc. SCM) Supply Associate | Operations Section | UNICEF Sudan Country Office Tel: +249 156553670; Ext.429 Mobile: +249 912154698; +249 912581323 Email:
[email protected] …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. UNICEF Sudan | Gereif West, Manshiya, Block#3 Hara 1/D, Omak Street – East Khartoum P.O.BOX 1358, Khartoum Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,