
National Technical Specialist, Business Case Workstream

ProcureProcess - UNDP Philippines Non Governmental 2025-02-03 to 2025-02-18
Country:   Philippines Description of the Assignment:  A. Project DetailsProject Title: Accelerating Green and Climate Finance in the Philippines: Nature-Based Solutions (Climate Finance PH for NBS)B. Background and DescriptionThe United Nations Development Program (UNDP) launched the Accelerating Green and Climate Finance in the Philippines: Nature Based Solutions (Climate Finance PH-NbS) Project to support the initiatives of increasing public and private sector investments towards mitigating impacts of climate change and improving resilience of national and local government agencies and communities. It is aimed at increasing private sector investments into NbS for climate resilient technologies, innovations, practices and approaches. One of the components of the Project is the design and implementation of Innovative Green and Climate Finance Solutions wherein the Public-Private Partnership Center (PPPC) was identified as a key partner in the achievement of the deliverables under this component, particularly in promoting greater investments in NbS PPPs through the strengthened capacities of the Center. Under the Project, UNDP has engaged a PPP Specialist and a PPP Business Case Specialist from Polestrom Consulting Inc. (Polestrom), to provide advisory services which include the assessment of competency gaps of PPPC as well as policy gaps on mainstreaming green and climate considerations in PPPs, providing recommendations on necessary approaches and specific interventions related with identifying bankable NbS PPPs, development of a business case of a NbS PPP in Protected Areas (PAs)/non-PAs, and pilot-testing of policies and guidelines with green and climate considerations. In addition, Polestrom will formulate a capacity development plan to integrate NbS in the PPPC’s Capacity Building and Learning and Development Program.The selected pilot study is for a water supply and distribution project in Iligan City. The city-run Iligan City Waterworks System is currently responsible for supply and distribution of water throughout the city. However, its system is in need of private sector involvement to finance upgrades and heavy maintenance, and introduce efficiencies in the network, including the use of NbS solutions where applicable (eg. watershed protection, riparian buffers, etc).As part of the business case of a NbS PPP in Protected Areas (PAs)/non-PAs workstream, a Technical Specialist is required to carry out the technical analysis of the aforesaid business case of a NbS PPP. C. Scope of Work and OutputsThe Technical Specialist is expected to:1. Task 1: Demand and Supply Analysisa. Determine the optimum coverage area and perform detailed work through employment of acceptable parameters and forecasting methods/techniques, to present an analysis of demand (actual, potential and projected; broken down into domestic and industrial use) for the water supply and distribution      requirements of the coverage area. b. The analysis shall consider other factors to determine potential demand, including capacity-to-pay and willingness-to-connect measures infrastructure/system improvement requirements, among others.c. Establish the minimum supply requirement/volume to be solicited from the project considering the estimated potential demandd. Identify relevant water sources and capacity for each source. 2. Task 2: Technical Studya. At a specified deadline, conduct a comparative analysis of the technical and NbS alternatives, with the end in view of determining the optimal technical and nature-based solution. b. Identify and assess other requirements, e.g., additional facilities, offtakers (if any) or end-users, that will impact on the overall demand (and viability) of the project.c. Conduct the Value Engineering/Value Analysis (VE/VA), as required.d. Conduct regular consultations with the UNDP, PPPC, and the PPP Business Case Specialist as necessary and other stakeholders, in the course of preparing and finalizing the tasks. The optimal technical and nature-based solution shall be presented to the UNDP and PPPC for approval. e. Upon securing approval of the optimal technical and nature-based solution, conduct data gathering from local sources or other relevant agencies, soils information, engineering survey and analysis, such as geotechnical tests, topographic, parcellary surveys, air photography and mapping, hydrologic studies, groundwater studies,, as necessary and identify potential risks related to ground and subsurface soil conditions, as well as official and third party local/water supply and distribution       economic studies, forecasts of population, economic growth, etc. f. Conduct a technical assessment of project requirements and determine/recommend optimal sizing and capacity, and optimum route/alignment taking into account relevant land use consistent with relevant laws and guidelines. g. Carry out preliminary design of structures and layout of facilities including NbS, as well as recommended appropriate delivery/interconnection/offtake points, when applicable. The study shall include timing and phasing of development and construction of facilities including NbS and the indicative project cost taking into account relevant technical factors.h. With the assistance of the ESG Specialist, the technical study shall document compliance with environmental and social safeguard requirements (i.e., environmental impact mitigation measures, climate change resiliency and disaster risk mitigation measures, social impact mitigation measures, gender-responsive facilities) by providing, as separate outputs/reports, the necessary plans (i.e., right-of way acquisition and resettlement, gender, environmental impact and mitigation). 3. Task 3: Inputs to Other Business Case Componentsa. Prepare the project implementation schedule which will define and set the timelines of the major phases of project work to fulfill the desired objectives and achieve the expected deliverables from the time of award to its completion. The project implementation schedule should include the deliverables, major activities for each deliverable, key milestones, and timelines for the procurement of the independent consultant (IC), among others.b. Conduct a comparative analysis of the project’s water supply and distribution charge and fees for other identified revenue streams      based on existing/current sources.c. Prepare the projected tariff (and tariff structure) and its impact to off-takers or end-users for the financial modelling expert and economic modeller.d. Review the experience of other countries in the construction, operations and maintenance of water supply and distribution     facilities with NbS under PPP and recommend arrangements appropriate for the Project.e. Together with the Business Case team leader and Financial Modelling Expert, conduct market intelligence gathering from lenders relating to financing terms.f. Provide inputs to the Legal Specialist on the project risk analysis (valuation, allocation and mitigation of risks) to determine, assess, allocate and manage risks (such as, but not limited to project, commercial, financial, political, economic, force majeure and legal risks) during all project stages.4. Task 4: Design, Technical Requirements and Minimum Performance Specifications and Standards (MPSS) a. Finalize project-related requirements, i.e., conceptual design, timing and phasing of development and construction, delivery/interconnection/offtake points, and the indicative project cost, operations and maintenance costs, among others. b. Prepare the KPIs and MPSS for the construction, supply, installation and operation and maintenance taking into consideration global best practices and finalize the technical specifications for the proposed project.5. Task 5: Othersa. Undertake other tasks/activities assigned by the Business Case team leader as may be required during the conduct of the business case.b. Carry out other related tasks that would be assigned by the PPP Center from time-to-time.Qualifications of the Individual Consultant Education At least a bachelors degree in Civil Engineering or other relevant fields is required. ExperienceAt least eight (8) years of demonstrated experience in design and engineering related to water supply and distribution systems, including related to building complexes and associated facilities, climate-change/ disaster-resilient construction design components or considerations integrated (e.g. green building / construction, watershed protection, riparian buffers, etc)Previous experience in water demand supply analysis Previous experience in PPPs projects Sample WorkSubmission of at least one qualified sample written technical study and demand analysis  in water supply and distribution, PPP, climate change , private sector sustainability and/or other relevant workLanguageExcellent level of proficiency in English and Filipino is required.Period of assignment/services: 65 person-days spread across the period of February – July 2025 unless revised in a mutually agreed upon timetable by UNDP and the Consultant  Proposal should be submitted directly in the portal no later than indicated deadline.Any request for clarification must be sent in writing via messaging functionality in the portal. UNDP will respond in writing including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry.Please indicate whether you intend to submit a bid by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the system. This will enable the system to send notifications in case of amendments of the tender requirements. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate using the messaging functionality in the system. Offers must be submitted directly in the system following this link:  using the profile you may have in the portal. In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in guides available in UNDP website:  Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.

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