
Recruitment of a firm for Event management services (Only National firm)

ProcureProcess - UNDP Ethiopia Non Governmental 2025-01-21 to 2025-01-27
Scope of the service and expected deliverables: - (Only National Firm is allowed to participate on this Bid’’) The objective of this service is to create an engaging event experience through an effective design, set up, efficient logistics, Audia seamless technical experience (sound, lightning) and other related services. The event managing company will be responsible for coordinating the event in accordance with the requirements of UNDP.The scope of this event management service includes event setup, event equipment, branding and promotion, follow-up invitations, live streaming and usheringExpected deliverables of the event organizer: (detail available on the attached ToR): -1.    Event Planning and logistics Identify event space that would offer a unique experience for 100-150 people·       Procure (pay for) event space once UNDP has cleared the choice of venue. ·       Design a creative use of the event space including seating and stage backdrops. ·       Identify and procure (pay for) an MC for the event with good knowledge of the startup ecosystem in Ethiopia and the rest of Africa.   ·       Identify and procure (pay for) a creative performance that will provide an innovative cultural experience for the audience   ·       Provide VIP services to high level officials and delegates ·       Provide simultaneous interpretation for English to French and vice versa  2.    Design and promotional materials ·       T-shirt design that incorporated Timbuctoo Africa brand with a unique Ethiopia design elements to be worn by the first cohort joining the Addis hub. The firm will be responsible for sourcing 100% cotton t shirts, printing as well as design, and covering all costs. ·       Timbuctoo ManuTech Hub backdrop design for the event space complimented with 12 flag banners Free Standing Timbuctoo sign         3. Design and promotional materials Provide lighting and sound system for the event space. Produce a 2–3-minute timbuktoo Africa video covering manufacturing technology and the hub In Addis Ababa to be shown at the launch event. Edit a 2-minute video introducing the first cohort of startups Provide Live streaming Services on YouTube and Facebook Documentation of the event with photos and video (including o   short 30 seconds video of the event to be posted on the same day on social media, o    a 20-minute documentation video of the overall event o   45 seconds video profile of each cohort participant (up to 60) for social mediaInterested suppliers must submit their offer directly in the system as instructed in the solicitation document, following the instructions in the available user guide. In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in guides available in the UNDP website: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.Search for the specific tender using search filters and subscribe to the tender in order to get notifications in case of amendments of the tender document. If you need support with the online system, you can contact the contact details of this tender as indicated in the solicitation document.UNDP OFFICE ETHIOPIAPROCUREMENT UNIT

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