Dear Bidder, The International Labour Office (ILO) is pleased to invite your company to participate in the selection process for the performance of the services described in the attached ToR. In order to prepare and submit a bid, please download all the relevant annexes in this RFP from the attachment area. When preparing your submission, please bear in mind that any and all services provided to the ILO are subject to the Terms and Conditions Applicable to ILO Contracts, (, as well as any other conditions contained in or enclosed with this RFP, and that said conditions will become part of any contract with the successful bidder(s). Your Bid must be received no later than the deadline specified in the “RFP Schedule Summary” of this RFP’s Cover Page document. Bidders requiring any clarification on technical, commercial, or legal aspects of the RFP documents are encouraged to submit their queries to the ILO by using the e-Sourcing platform through the “Messages” tab (refer to the “How to communicate with the Buyer” section in the Supplier User Guide). The list of all questions received within the relevant deadline, together with the ILO’s answers to them (“Q&As”), will be published on the ILO e-Sourcing Platform by the deadline indicated in the RFP Schedule Summary of this RFP’s Cover Page document. A message notifying the publication of the Q&As will be automatically sent to all bidders that have expressed interest in participating in this RFP. Bidders are advised to log into the eSourcing platform immediately upon receipt of such notification in order to be promptly informed of any change that may have occurred following the clarifications provided. Please be cautious when uploading documents to the ILO eSourcing Platform and ensure that only the technical proposal documents are uploaded into the Technical Envelope. By the same token, only the financial proposal must be uploaded into the Financial Envelope. An error in this regard will have an impact on an offer's eligibility for evaluation. We look forward to receiving your Proposal. Yours sincerely, ILO PROCUREMENT
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