
Construction of two solar-powered green houses and a service room to support Agrivoltaic farming project in Zahle, Lebanon

ProcureProcess - UN Secretariat Lebanon Non Governmental 2024-12-13 to 2025-01-06
United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) on behalf of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Lebanon, seeks the interest of qualified vendors and Service Providers to participate in an upcoming tender solicitation for the Construction of two solar-powered green houses and a service room to support Agrivoltaic farming project in Zahle, Lebanon. The project aims to improve climate change resilience in areas accommodating displaced populations in Lebanon through water-related interventions and innovative nature-based solutions The scope of works shall include but not limited to: Constructing of two greenhouses mounted by Photovoltaic panels with all their wiring and accessories and a service room to accommodate all agricultural activities inside the greenhouses. i) The Civil works include : Ground levelling and implementing the required draining works, implementing foundations for the greenhouse, constructing the structure of greenhouses and the related shadings, construction of a services room. ii ) Electrical Works includes: installation of the PV solar panels of approx 80 KWp and all their wiring connections and accessories, implementing all necessary lighting/ power works in the service room. iii) Mechanical works include : all drainages and rainwater systems over the greenhouse, and all plumbing and sanitation works in the service room. Please note that this request for EOI is not an invitation for submission of tenders. The complete detail of the requirement will be issued to bidders after this request for EOI is closed. UNON reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement of this EOI at any time during the EOI and/or solicitation process. Submitting a reply to this REOI does not therefore automatically guarantee that your company will be considered for issuance of the solicitation documents. Only vendors who, in the UN's sole discretion, are deemed eligible and qualified, upon completion of an objective evaluation of the EOI submissions, may receive the final tender solicitation documents.

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