1. The United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) intends to conduct a competitive solicitation exercise for the provision tree pruning services on an "as and when" required basis to UNFICYP locations island-wide. 2. The resulting contract shall be for an initial period of three (3) years with an option to extend for two (2) additional terms of one (1) year each (3+1+1 years). The Contract is anticipated to commence during the second quarter of 2025. 3. The main elements of the required services are detailed below: - tree trimming and pruning (including dead wooding and crown thinning) as per UNFICYP directions; - cutting and removal of dead trees; and - removal and disposal of all debris created, while performing the pruning services. 4. In this regard, UNFICYP would like to identify vendors that would be interested to participate in the competitive solicitation exercise. Qualified vendors are requested to express their interest by submitting the Vendor Response Form of this EOI electronically (through the link provided below) before the closing date above. 5. In case you have difficulties submitting your interest electronically, please contact Ms. Esra Tanalp via email to
[email protected], no later than Friday, 24 January 2025. The Vendor Response Form is also available in our website www.unficyp.org. 6. UNFICYP reserves the right in selecting the invitees for the competitive bidding and mere expressing an interest would not automatically warrant participation in the competitive bidding exercise. UNFICYP reserves the right to change or cancel any of these requirements at any time during the EOI and/or the solicitation process. Please note that Vendors have to be registered at Basic or Level 01 at the time of the award. Women-owned and disabililty-inclusive suppliers are strongly encouraged to express interest. 7. The UNGM registration is mandatory for responding to this EOI. Interested vendors are strongly recommended to submit the required documentation at the United Nations Global Marketplace at www.ungm.org for Basic Level registration. Information on the prerequisites for Basic Level registration can be found at https://www.ungm.org/Public/Pages/RegistrationProcess.