
Invitation to submit a proposal for Visioning Workshops and Co-Design Process in Samoa under GCP/SAM/010/GCR project to be delivered to Samoa

ProcureProcess - FAO Samoa Non Governmental 2024-12-06 to 2024-12-27
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit a proposal for Visioning Workshops and Co-Design Process in Samoa under GCP/SAM/010/GCR project to be delivered to Samoa . If you are interested in submitting an offer, please make sure to have, at least, a UNGM Basic Registration with FAO ( Instructions on how to access FAO tender documents through UNGM are attached to the present Notice under the “DOCUMENTS” tab; please follow these instructions when submitting your bid. Many thanks and best regards, FAO PROCUREMENT SERVICE

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