
Terms of Reference: Gap Analysis of The Legislative Framework of Samoa Against the Requirements of the Protocol of 2014 to the ILO Forced Labour Convention

ProcureProcess - ILO Samoa Non Governmental 2025-01-16 to 2025-01-27
The consultant is expected to conduct a Gap Analysis of the existing legislative and policy framework in Samoa as compared against standards contained in the Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention, taking into account previous recommendations of the ILO Committee of Experts on Application of Conventions and Recommendations under ILO Convention No. 29. The consultant may be expected to conduct a mission to Samoa to interview representatives of tripartite constituents and other key stakeholders, as part of the information gathering. Interviews may alternatively be conducted virtually as needed should a mission not be required. Once the gap analysis is concluded, the Consultant will present its results in a tripartite validation workshop either in person or virtually to be confirmed with the ILO Suva Office.

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