
For the provision of renewable energy solutions to WFP, UNMISS (Peacekeeping), IOM and UNICEF, to support the ‘Joint UN Renewable Energy Transition’ in The Republic of South Sudan

ProcureProcess - WFP Others Non Governmental 2025-01-31 to 2025-03-03
For the provision of renewable energy solutions to WFP, UNMISS (Peacekeeping), IOM and UNICEF covering financing, development, construction, and Operations and Maintenance to support the ‘Joint UN Renewable Energy Transition’ in South Sudan Including, but not limited to, Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), Energy Financing Agreements (EFAs) and Lease Agreements for Renewable Energy Projects. Purpose and Scope of Work The purpose of this EOI is to identify well-established, registered, authorised, and fully qualified suppliers, with verified technical and financial capacity, to provide renewable energy solutions in South Sudan to WFP, UNMISS, IOM, and UNICEF covering financing, development, construction, and O&M requiring limited or no upfront capital expenditures for the UN partners. The target project sites are UN compounds in South Sudan: There are at least 16 project sites that have been identified among various UN partners in 9 different locations including Bentiu, Juba, Bor, Wau, Yambio, Aweil, Rumbek, Kuajok, Torit. In most cases, the UN entities’ target is to transition the site to a renewable energy share of at least 80%, requiring, depending on the site’s load, a range of solar capacities from 200 kWp to 2,000 kWp, with and without energy storage (up to 3,000 kWh) in estimated size. The combined scale of projects is approximately 13.5 MWp of Solar capacity, with at least 5 projects above 1MWp. Predominantly off-grid locations, and in areas partially served by unstable grids. While the main purpose of the subsequent tender is to secure provision of renewable energy to the UN entities, the latter wish for the Vendors to consider projects that could contribute to co-benefits for the local communities. As such, the renewable energy project modalities which can be implemented are: Option A: Dedicated renewable energy solutions installed within the UN compounds supplying exclusively to the UN (i.e. inside the fence) Option B: Renewable energy metro-grids, installed outside UN compounds supplying to both the UN and extending the service to other off-takers (i.e. outside of the fence)

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