
RFP 2025/001 - Enabling transition to formalization for informal economy workers and economic units in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) in Cambodia

ProcureProcess - ILO Cambodia Non Governmental 2025-01-24 to 2025-02-14
Cambodia is a pathfinder country in the Global Accelerator (GA) on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions – the initiative of the UN Secretary-General launched in September 2021 to support countries to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and support the creation of decent jobs, primarily in the green, digital and care economies, and to extend social protection to people who are excluded. The GA is strongly aligned with the priorities of the national framework, notably the Pentagonal Strategy launched in 2023 to accelerate progress on SDGs and to achieve the country’s ambitious goals of becoming a high-income country by 2050. In October 2023, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) launched the National Strategy for Informal Economy Development (NSIED) 2023-2028 aimed to promote structural reforms and transition to formality to support economic development, inclusiveness and resilience to crises, and in February 2024 the Ministry of Industry (MISTI) was assigned as implementing agency. Building on the good results delivered through various projects, and at the request of the RGC, the ILO has initiated the RBSA project “Support for implementation of the Global Accelerator in Cambodia” that runs from July 2024 to June 2026, to contribute towards the implementation, visibility and results of the GA in Cambodia. The intervention has three main outcomes aimed at strengthening Cambodia’s capacity to achieve increased social security and childcare service coverage and promote the transition of enterprises and workers to formalization. Under the Outcome 3 “Increased capacity of constituents in the implementation of the national formalization strategy,” the ILO will undertake interventions tailored to specific classes of enterprises and workers based on size and sectors. A priority sector is the cultural and creative industries (CCI) in Cambodia – despite contributing to job creation, spurring innovation and promoting social cohesion by supporting the integration and inclusion of marginalised groups, cultural artists and workers in the informal sector, such as freelance service providers, short-term contractors, entrepreneurs and volunteers face precarious working conditions, including lack of regular income, low average income levels, inadequate social protection and collective bargaining.   To contribute to enhanced transition of informal economy workers and economic units in the CCIs in Cambodia, the ILO is seeking a service provider to raise awareness of the rights of informal CCIs workers, and advocate for improved registration system to facilitate the transition of informal CCIs workers to formality. Objectives The overall objectives of the assignment are: Increased awareness of policymakers on the need to develop an efficient system to register informal CCIs workers and economic units and expand the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) coverage. Increased awareness of CCIs workers on their rights, including the benefits of joining the NSSF schemes and the registration process. Deliverables The Service Provider is expected to deliver the following products Product 1. Produce evidence on the size, scope and contribution of informal CCI sector in Cambodia Product 2. Advocacy to sensitize policymakers on the need to develop a simplified, accessible registration system for CCI workers and enterprises and expand the NSSF coverage to informal CCI workers. Product 3. Campaign to increase awareness on the informal CCI workers’ rights, including NSSF schemes, specifically the voluntary scheme for self-employed workers and their dependents. Required profile A good understanding of the informal economy in Cambodia; Proven experience representing and advocating for the cultural and creative industries in Cambodia, and strong relationships with the institutions/agencies that support them. Proven experience in supporting enterprises in their registration, formalization, and development. A capacity to communicate effectively with the representatives of the institutions/agencies involved in formalization. Excellent spoken and written English and Khmer language skills. Excellent ability to synthesise and organise information. Expression of interest The ILO invites interested service providers to submit an expression of interest with a technical proposal of how they intend to undertake the assignment. The submission should include a financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of fees and related expenses. Expressions of Interest (EoI) should include: Technical proposal: A technical proposal summarizing proposed approach and work plan. Updated curriculum vitae(s) of the team members. Evidence of similar work done and experience to undertake the assignment. Financial proposal: Asking rate (fees) in USD per workday and estimated number of workdays required to perform the assignment. The expenditures should be presented in the budget breakdown. Workshops will be coordinated by the Project, thus logistical costs associated with workshops will be covered by the ILO and should not be included in the financial proposal. Note to the financial proposals: The International Labour Organization, as a United Nations Specialized Agency, enjoys a special tax status in Cambodia. Unless specified in advance in the financial proposal, and agreed in the contract document, the invoices will be submitted exclusive of any amount representing charges, duties or taxes (e.g., value added tax). Applicants must email the technical and financial proposals to [email protected] with the subject “Enabling transition to formalization for informal economy workers and economic units in the Cultural and Creative Industries in Cambodia” no later than 14 February 2025, 5:00PM Phnom Penh Time.

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