
Non Governmental Industry Procurement Opportunities
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Non-profit organizations addressing social and economic issues.
Showing 3886-3906 of 4022 RFXs (Showing Filtered Results) Reset filter
PSP France would like to identify qualified companies for the provision of direct marketing campaign services. PSP France would like to establish a frame agreement with two qualified service providers (primary and back-up provider) to support UNHCR i...
Veuillez indiquer si vous avez lintention de soumettre une offre en créant un projet de réponse sans le soumettre directement dans le système. Cela permettra au système denvoyer des notifications au cas où les exigences de loffre seraient modifiées....
Clarifications/Questions: If any potential firm has any query about the TOR/RFP document, that has to be submitted to the ILO through email [email protected] within 14 December 2024; Please mention “Queries on RFP-ILO-LAWC-2024-003” in the subject o...
United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit sealed tenders as follows: The firm/ organization will build the capacity of 120 teachers and head teachers to enhance their pedagogica...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is seeking to award a contract for the provision of Operation and Maintenance Services of the Electrical and Special Systems at FAO’s Headquarters in Rome, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla and...
FAO is seeking for a Service Provider that will provide the Kickstarting of a Kickstarting a Long-Term Genetic Improvement and Broodstock Management Programme for African Catfish in Nigeria. If your company is qualified and interested in submitting a...
UNDP expects the consulting firm to undertake the following, developing the most relevant methods; lectures, case studies, group discussions, role-playing, and experiential learning. Training modules: -          Leadership foundations -          Stra...
Pays: Guinée Description de la mission : Consultant (e) national (e), Spécialiste en financement de la biodiversité dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre du projet d’élaboration du plan de financement de la biodiversité. Niveau du (des) poste(s) ou du (...
Pays: Guinée Conakry Intitulé du Poste : Consultant/e national/e, Spécialiste des politiques environnementales Projet : Programme cadre pour lélaboration dun plan national de financement de la biodiversité Niveau du (des) Poste (s) ou Prestation (Loc...
CONVOCATORIA DE SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTA LRFP 9194050 Provisión de Servicios de Agencias de Viajes para para el  Sistema de las Naciones Unidas –SNU- en Guatemala través de un Acuerdo a Largo Plazo (LTA por sus siglas en inglés). UNICEF Guatemala invit...
UNDP kindly requests your quotation for Rehabilitation of sewage networks municipalities (Kfariyah, Wata elKhan- Selma) for UNDP Syria Office as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ.   Interested suppliers must submit their offer directly in the system as...
Achat de materiels IT pour les Staff Senegal
ProcureProcess - UN-Women Senegal Non Governmental 2024-12-01 2025-01-27
Madame, Monsieur,LEntité des Nations Unies pour lÉgalité Hommes-Femmes et lAutonomisation des Femmes, ci-après dénommée ONU Femmes, invite par la présente les fournisseurs potentiels à soumettre une/des offre(s) conformément aux documents de la Deman...
El Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) convoca a licitación (RFP) para establecer un contrato con un proveedor para realizar el Servicio de consultoría para Medición de resultados de la intervención municipal “Come Como Campeón y Campe...
5.3.8 Compra de elementos físicos para el confinamiento y señalización de ciclocarriles (Ciclovías) por lotes.  Proyecto “Biciclando, Centros de Economía Circular” en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México.ANTECEDENTES El Programa de Naciones Unidas...
You are invited to submit a proposal for the above subject RFP for the World Health Organization, WHO, Department of Contracting and Procurement Services in accordance with the attached documents: Annex 1:Acknowledgment Form Annex 2:Confidentiality U...
Expansion of Chatta Primary School, Maban County, Upper Nile State.
UNOPS tiene la intención de contratar servicios de Agencia de Viajes según lo definido de conformidad con esta Invitación a Cotizar, a través de al menos tres (3)  Acuerdos a Largo Plazo extensible a todas las Agencias, Fondos y Programas del Sistema...
5.3.8 Compra de elementos físicos para el confinamiento y señalización de ciclocarriles (Ciclovías) por lotes.  Proyecto “Biciclando, Centros de Economía Circular” en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México.ANTECEDENTES El Programa de Naciones Unidas...
L’Office des Nations Unies à Genève (ONUG) souhaite recevoir des expressions d’intérêt ‎pour un appel d'offres qu'il a l'intention de lancer pour la réalisation des travaux d'entretien ‎courant, de transformation et d'amélioration des installations é...
Hosting and Maintenance of CAFI's PES tool
ProcureProcess - UNOPS Multiple Non Governmental 2024-11-29 2024-12-24
Tender description​: Hosting and Maintenance of CAFI's PES tool.IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarificat...
TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR INSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT Title Estimate immunization coverage with high-resolution satellite imagery, spatial sample modeling methods, and lightweight mobile data collection in Bangladesh to identify communities with low coverage...
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