Description for the Publication of the Call for Proposals The Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) is pleased to announce the launch of its Call for Proposals (CFP) for the CAFI Science & Innovation Programme. This initiative seeks implementing p...
This call for tenders concerns the provision of all-in-one media and social media monitoring, analytics and management services to the UPU for a period of four years.
This call for tenders concerns the provision of maintenance and support services for an on-premises big data cluster powered by Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) and running on Linux operating systems, for a period of four years.
Bid instructions: PLEASE DO NOT include the long description text of the tender in the email subject line. It is advised that that the Technical Proposal and Commercial Proposal to submitted as separate EMAILS. If necessary, proposers may structure t...
This call for tenders concerns the provision to the UPU of support and corrective, adaptive and extended maintenance services for the following business applications used at its International Bureau, for a period of four years: – Pegasus • Document p...
Prestations intellectuelles - Assistance à Maîtrise d'ouvrage
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) invited Company/Firm to submit a Proposal to conduct Video Production and Related Services for the UNESCO-Mawhiba Online STEM Oasis Portal Project, in accordance with the p...
United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit tenders via email as follows: Request for Proposals for developing an Integrated Territorial Master Plan (ITMP) for Petra and updating...
Supply of Insulins and Glucagons for UNICEF SD Warehouse in Denmark and for direct orders globally
INVITACION A LICITAR (IAL) UNDP-HND-00220ADQUISICIÓN DE QUIOSCOS DE AUTOSERVICIOS CIUDADANOSEl Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), promueve el alcance de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), los derechos humanos y la i...
Amendment 1: issued to publish pre-bid conference presentation and Q&A - round 1The pre-bid conference will be conduct on 13 November 2024 at 10:00am EST time (US and Canada) . All interested Bidders are requested to use the link below to register an...
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Rwanda invites capable and qualified companies/firms, duly registered, to submit a proposal for the provision of Three Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Hybrid Systems for H...
Tendering Text: APPEL A MANIFESTATIONS D’INTERET - Mise à Niveau des Entreprises dans le Secteur de l’Artisanat - Projet "Creative Tunisia 2.0".
La OIM Perú, en el marco del “Convenio de Administración de Recursos para el Fortalecimiento de la Policía Nacional para la seguridad y estabilización comunitaria del Perú” ha recibido el encargo del Estado Peruano, en representación, nombre y cuenta...
El objetivo es elaborar el Expediente para la libre disponibilidad del terreno de la actual Vía Expresa Luis Fernán Bedoya Reyes (Vía Expresa - VE) mediante el trato directo, expropiación o trasferencia interestatal. La ubicación en donde se desarrol...
Tender description: Provision of Consultancy Services in Conducting Implementation Research on uptake of affordable and quality lower limb prosthetic technologies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries-----IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond...
Servicios para la elaboración de análisis, estudios e investigaciones sociales en materia de derechos humanos e igualdad de género para proyectos de desarrollo de UNOPS en Guatemala, bajo Acuerdos a Largo Plazo (LTA).-----NOTA IMPORTANTE: Los proveed...
For the establishment of a Long Term Agreement (LTA) for the supply of Female Dignity Kits (FDK), Clean Delivery Kits (CDK) and Women's Essential Kits Amendment 1 for UNFPA/MMR/ITB/24/01 on 19 November 2024 deadline of bid submission has been changed...
United Nations Development Programme/Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People hereinafter referred to as UNDP/PAPP hereby invites prospective bidders to submit a bid in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract and the Schedule of R...
Interested suppliers must submit their offer directly in the system as instructed in the solicitation document, following the instructions in the available user guide. n case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the reg...
UNDP CYP ITB 139 2024 - Trunk 1 Sewer Reconstruction – East SectionPlease indicate whether you intend to submit a bid by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the system. This will enable the system to send notifications in case of...