
Non Governmental Industry Procurement Opportunities
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Non-profit organizations addressing social and economic issues.
Showing 967-987 of 4851 RFXs (Showing Filtered Results) Reset filter
Les fournisseurs intéressés doivent soumettre leur offre directement dans le système tel quindiqué dans le document dappel doffres, en suivant les instructions du guide de lutilisateur disponible. si vous avez un compte, connectez-vous sur ce lien : ...
Request for translation service and lunch and coffee break in Diyala
Atelier à BASSAM du 04 au 07 mars 2025
ProcureProcess - UNDP Others Non Governmental 2025-02-13 2025-02-17
SELECTION DE PRESTATAIRE POUR Atelier de validation du plan d’action de redynamisation des cellules civilo-militaires DU 04 au 07 mars 2025Veuillez indiquer si vous avez lintention de soumettre une offre en créant un projet de réponse sans le soumett...
 Printing, framing of pictures and Purchase  photos
Adquisición de Herramientas, Artículos de Ferretería, Sistema y Partes de Riego requerido para Escuelas Técnicas Agrícolas
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is requesting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from eligible service providers in anticipation of a tender for the following services "Provide technical assistance to 78 cooperatives/asso...
Boreholes' Casing and Consumable Materials
ProcureProcess - IOM Others Non Governmental 2025-02-13 2025-02-16
Boreholes' Casing and Consumable Materials
Adquisición de medicamentos e insumos médicos
ProcureProcess - IOM Peru Non Governmental 2025-02-13 2025-02-26
Se solicita Adquisición de medicamentos e insumos médicos para actividades de asistencia directa en el marco del proyecto de Korea
Generator machineries and the spare parts for piloting Bricks from sludge and pl
SECTION 1 : DEMANDE DE PRIX (RFQ)Le PNUD vous invite à remettre votre offre de prix pour la fourniture de biens, de travaux et/ou de services, conformément à l’annexe 1 de la présente RFQ.Cette demande de prix comprend les documents suivants :Section...
Descripción de la licitación: Suministro de baterías para equipo rodante del Ministerio de Obras Públicas en Panamá. -----NOTA IMPORTANTE: Los proveedores interesados deben responder a esta licitación usando el sistema eSourcing de UNOPS, a través de...
País: PerúPlazo del servicio: 75 días calendarioTipo de Contrato: Contrato Individual (IC)Dirigido a: Persona naturalLugar de destino: LimaPerfil:Título en economía, administración, agronomía, ingeniería ambiental o carreras afines. Se valorará maest...
País: [Colombia]Periodo de asignación/servicios: Nueve (9) meses. Descripción de la Asignación: Apoyo jurídico para la clarificación de la situación jurídica de los firmantes del Acuerdo Final de Paz (3 Posiciones) Título Profesional: Profesional en...
Dear Sir/Madam Greetings from UNICEF Sudan. UNICEF Sudan Country Office wishes to invite you to submit your offers for procurement of printed and visibility materials as specified in the LITB-2025-9195625. Offers should be submitted in ENGLISH and mu...
Purchasing Dental Supplies and Dental X-Ray Unit / O.Sh
ProcureProcess - UNRWA Syrian Arab Republic Non Governmental 2025-02-12 2025-02-20
Purchasing Dental Supplies and Dental X-Ray Unit
UNCDF invites applications from registered entities with presence in the Solomon Islands and Tonga that can offer support to rural communities, in particular women, to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to access and use digital and financial...
Provision of 500KVA Generator to Asswan
ProcureProcess - IOM Egypt Non Governmental 2025-02-12 2025-02-26
Provision of 500KVA Generator to Asswan
The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) hereby solicits Expressions of Interest (EOI) from competent Companies for the Construction of an Activated Sludge Plant to UNMISS in Bor, the Republic of South Sudan
Submission of questions Proposers are kindly requested to submit any questions related to this LRPS, to [email protected],  by no later than 25th February 2025. Please note that the deadline for submitting questions indicated on the LRPS form should b...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit an offer for the procurement of grapes seedlings and rosehip seedlings to be delivered to Batken region, Kyrgyzstan. If you are interested in submitting an offer,...
Request For Quotation Procurement of Office Furniture- For the Timbuctoo ManTech Hub (Only for National Firms)SECTION 1: REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ)Dear Valued SuppliersUNDP kindly requests your quotation for the provision of FURNITURES as detailed i...
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