UNRWA need to Purchasing Smart Devices for Education Delivery Must be within 20 day after contracting 4.2 Technical Criteria: • Bidders must enclose in their bids the technical offers (catalogues ) and upload n In-Tend platform with the financial off...
UNCDF seeks to engage a consulting firm with relevant experience to provide technical assistance (TA) to technical assistance to build the capacity of agricultural MSMEs to develop bank.UNCDF will enter into a long-term agreement LTA with one firm th...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit an offer for the procurement of watering cans to be delivered to Gaza, Inhambane, Tete, Manica, Cabo Delgado and Niassa - Mozambique. If you are interested in sub...
The United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) intends to establish a Local Systems Contract for the for the provision of Mobile Armed Protection/ Security Services to the United Nations in Somalia. The contract shall be for an initial period o...
Subject: LRFP-2025-9195786 : International Institutional Consultancy to develop set of policy recommendations for the empowerment, professionalisation and adequate resourcing of the social work workforce, and a costed national social work workforce s...
A presente Solicitação de Cotações (RFQ) tem por objeto Aquisição de mobiliário para o Escritório UNOPS com entrega, montagem e instalação no Escritório UNOPS Brasil, em Brasília. Os itens solictados são:Lote 1:Estação de trabalho: 32 unidadesArmário...
UNICEF has now issued a Request for Proposals] in order to select a supplier for the provision to onboard Program Management Unit/s (PMU) for two years to anchor the program and ensure the successful implementation of the program under the supervisio...
Debido a los cambios en la política interna de seguridad y administración de los servidores del Instituto Nacional de Migración, donde hasta mayo de 2020 se encontraba instalado el sistema de registro SIRE 1.0, ACNUR México decidió apoyar a la Comisi...
1.Conditions requises L’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) est à la recherche de propositions pour achat d’intrants, de consommables et de composants orthopédiques. Votre organisation/société est invitée à soumettre une proposition en vue de l’a...
País: ColombiaPeríodo de asignación/servicios: 5 meses Descripción de la Asignación: Consultoría para la capacitación técnica institucional y comunitaria con enfoques diferenciales en normatividad para la operación de la Jurisdicción Agraria y Rural...
Laboratory supplies - IGRA kits for Baghdad Medical Unit for IOM
Printing of Self Learning Material for West Bank- for local suppliers only - RFP/WB/0003/2025 Bidders are invited to submit a bid for the Printing of Self Learning Material for West Bank Further guidance on electronic offers submission can be found o...
Ejecución y Supervisión de obra: Rehabilitación de vías aledañas y construcción del paso deprimido en la Av Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre y paso elevado en la San Fernando de Rumihurco, en la parroquia de Cotocollao y Ponceano ubicado en la ciudad d...
País: El SalvadorPeríodo de asignación/servicios: Estimacion de 90 dias, máxima fecha de vigencia del contrato: 31 de mayo de 2025.Tipo de Contrato: Consultor Individual (Persona Natural)Descripción de la Asignación: Valorar los servicios ecosistémi...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit an offer for the procurement of Office Stationery to be delivered to FAO Harare Office. If you are interested in submitting an offer, please make sure to have, at...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit an offer for the procurement of Stationery, Promotion and Visibility materials to be delivered to FAO Office in Dushanbe . If you are interested in submitting an...
Promotion of the Development of Small- and Medium- Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Iraq as per attached TOR
The objective of the assignment is to assist UNCDF teams to design digital payment mechanisms and implement a pilot to improve the effectiveness and efficiency by leveraging mobile money channels over and above bank channels Under the supervision of...
Descripción: Consultor/a para evaluación de resultados del proyecto Sembrando Vida en Belice, Cuba y Guatemala Duración estimada: 5 meses Fecha de inicio: Marzo 2025 Fecha de Término: Agosto 2025 Número y Título del Proyecto: 00127795 Implementación...
País: ColombiaPeríodo de asignación/servicios: 4 MESES Descripción de la Asignación: Consultoría para el diseño y ejecución de formaciones institucionales y comunitarias con enfoques diferenciales en normatividad para la operación de la Jurisdicción...
ITB/Achat des GPS pour les enquêtes agricoles / Procurement of GPS for agricultural survey Destination : FAO Bujumbura warehouse Date de publication / Date of issue: 11/02/2025 Date limite de clôture / Closing date : 06/03/2025 – 23:59 – heure de Buj...