
Non Governmental Industry Procurement Opportunities
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Non-profit organizations addressing social and economic issues.
Showing 1744-1764 of 4580 RFXs (Showing Filtered Results) Reset filter
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit an offer for the Rehabilitation of 480M Kulmis River Embankment in Jowhar, Hirshabelle State, Somalia. If you are interested in submitting an offer, please make s...
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION NO. RFQ25/02990Development of detailed technical design documentation for the capital repair and modernization of the “Emil Necula” Lyceum from Mereni village, Anenii Noi districtUNDP through the NorAd, Transforming Education in...
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION NO. RfQ25/02980Establishing the street lighting system along the R19 route and the Nistru River bridge within the section passing through Sănătăuca village, Florești districtUNDP through the European Union Confidence Building Me...
The purpose of this Request for Proposals is to identify a suitable contractor to: (a) conduct various analyses and reviews of the market for childhood cancer medicines; (b) generate a market shaping strategy for childhood cancer medicines that is in...
The project aims to contract a company with team of at least three (3) to five (5) coaches, competent in the EU or GB organic regulation and fairtrade standard requirements, to deliver efficient mentoring and coaching technical assistance to the sele...
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) UN Migration is pleased to invite you to submit a proposal or concept note - Enhanced access to effective state justice and corporate grievance and remediation mechanisms for migrant workers of all a...
Request for Quotation for Provision of various vehicles and machinery for Mykolaiv, Ukraine-----IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS te...
1.The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) is seeking qualified and experienced companies to establish a Long Term Agreement (LTA) for the provision of an Access Control System. 2. Submission of the EOI does not constitute an obli...
Se busca empresa evaluadora para implementar evaluación final del Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas: Costa Rica contra la trata de personas y el tráfico ilícito de migrantes.
The UNICEF Eastern Caribbean Area Office (ECA) invites your company to submit an offer for the attached Request for Proposal for Services. The Proposals must be received by the latest 07 February  2025, Friday, on or before 17:00hrs (GMT-4.00 Eastern...
The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) intends to expand its line of products by including UN stamp-themed merchandise, and is exploring the use of "print-on-demand" / "merchandise-on-demand" vendors for such expansion. The UNPA was establis...
The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) invites expressions of interest from qualified consulting firms to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of its current Contact Center structure, operations, and performance. This consultancy will pro...
ProcureProcess - UNICEF Chad Non Governmental 2025-01-29 2025-02-07
ACHAT DES KITS A EAU / ACHAT LOCAL Groupe Motopompe  3'' et Pompe manuelle de type INDIA II.
Estudio diagnóstico en materia de seguros
ProcureProcess - UNDP Uruguay Non Governmental 2025-01-29 2025-02-14
País: UruguayLa propuesta debe enviarse directamente en el portal antes de la fecha límite indicada: 14/02/2025Cualquier solicitud de aclaración debe enviarse por escrito a través de la funcionalidad de mensajería en el portal. El PNUD responderá por...
Tender description: Provision of Consultancy Services To Conduct Market Assesment And Develop A Roadmap For Seforall Powering Healthcare Programme In Democratic Republic of Congo-----IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender usin...
The purpose of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to invite bidders to provide supplies and equipment for the STEPwise Approach to Surveillance (STEPS) Survey in Fiji
Le programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD) en Tunisie, lance une invitation à soumissionner en faveur du projet « Renforcement des services sociaux pour les ménages, groupes et personnes particulièrement vulnérables à travers l’appui...
Scope of Services: Access to clean water, safe food and safe environment are priority development goals of the Solomon Islands Government. Strengthening the capacity of NPHL to monitor and evaluate the microbiological and chemical contamination risks...
Estimado/a Proveedor/a:Le solicitamos amablemente que envíe su cotización para "Servicio de Producción para la 6ª Conferencia Global de BIOFIN en Santiago de Chile, del 6 al 8 de mayo de 2025". Las propuestas podrán presentarse en o antes de la fecha...
International Organisation for Migration (IOM) kindly requests your quotation for the provision of services as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ. This Request for Quotation comprises the following documents: Section 1: This request letter Section 2: RF...
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