
Non Governmental Industry Procurement Opportunities
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Non-profit organizations addressing social and economic issues.
Showing 1807-1827 of 4511 RFXs (Showing Filtered Results) Reset filter
Firm Level Consultancy for Topographical Survey
ProcureProcess - UNDP Zimbabwe Non Governmental 2025-01-28 2025-02-05
Note:When registering in the supplier portal please use the full company/Firm name same as in the Legal document and Bank account in the Supplier name sectionKindly upload financial proposal documents in financial section (Financial Evaluation - Comm...
Neonatology Supplies
ProcureProcess - UNICEF Cuba Non Governmental 2025-01-28 2025-02-05
UNICEF Cuba invites providers to express their interest in participating in this Request for Information (RFI). The purpose of this RFI is to identify and collect information from potential providers of neonatology supplies, and to gather updated inf...
El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) invita a participar del proceso competitivo Invitación a Licitar (IAL) identificada con el número UNDP-PAN-00508, para la “Adquisición de trece (13) vehículos tipo SUV para uso de Gobernado...
Contratação da consultoria especializada em Planejamento Estratégico Institucional 2025-2028 da SudamGentileza indicar a sua intenção de participar deste certame através da criação de um rascunho de proposta no sistema. Isto irá habilitá-lo a receber...
A presente chamada objetiva a contratação de consultoria técnica especializada em Salvaguardas Socioambientais, com vistas a apoiar a Secretaria Extraordinária de Controle do Desmatamento e Ordenamento Ambiental Territorial (SECD), vinculada ao Minis...
Mini RFQ pour l'installation de sanitaires creer par RHB.
Referencia: UNDP-PAN-00507 Equipos de Medición de Temperatura y Deformación de Ensayos.El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) le invita a participar del proceso competitivo Solicitud de Cotización (SDC) UNDP-PAN-00507 Adquisició...
Veuillez indiquer si vous avez lintention de soumettre une offre en créant un projet de réponse sans le soumettre directement dans le système. Cela permettra au système denvoyer des notifications au cas où les exigences de loffre seraient modifiées....
The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), seeks Expression of Interest (EOI) from duly registered companies for the Supply and Delivery of Civil Hardware Materials MONUSCO, DAP Beni, DRC....
Provision of Laundry Service
ProcureProcess - UN Secretariat Ethiopia Non Governmental 2025-01-28 2025-02-07
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, hereby seeks expressions of interest (EOI) from qualified and experienced vendors for the Provision of Laundry Service for three years LTA. Interested firms will be i...
2025/013 Laboratory Equipment
ProcureProcess - FAO Kenya Non Governmental 2025-01-28 2025-01-31
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit an offer for the procurement of AMR -Laboratory Equipment to be delivered to Garrisa and Karatina . If you are interested in submitting an offer, please make sure...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit an offer for the procurement of Hand Agriculture Tools (Hoe, Rake, Pickaxe) to be delivered to Yemen. If you are interested in submitting an offer, please make su...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit an offer for the procurement of Children Playground Equipment to be delivered to Georgia. If you are interested in submitting an offer, please make sure to have,...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit an offer for the procurement of Materials for Water Supply System to be delivered to Georgia. If you are interested in submitting an offer, please make sure to ha...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to submit an offer for the procurement of Building Materials to be delivered to Georgia. If you are interested in submitting an offer, please make sure to have, at least, a...
Procurement of Toner Cartridges (2025/012)
ProcureProcess - FAO Liberia Non Governmental 2025-01-28 2025-02-05
Procurement of Toner Cartridges (2025/012)
Sélection dun prestataire au niveau national pour un contrat à long terme (LTA) dans le cadre du ramassage et la distribution de courrier dans la ville de Lomé et sa périphérie pour le PNUD Togo.Veuillez indiquer si vous avez lintention de soumettre...
TheThe United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON), on behalf of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) invites qualified interested firms to submit Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in the upcoming solicitation for Terminal evaluation of...
Assignment: Rights-based assessment of the National Cash Transfer Programme in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) Contract Type: External Collaborator Duration of Contract: 45 working days, between March and June 2025. Submission procedure: Int...
Dear Sir/Madame, The United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan (UNDP) is announcing competitive bidding for Development of design and estimate documentation for the project: “Construction of a building for a virology laborato...
Dear Sir / Madam:  We kindly request you to submit your Proposal for the requirement "Contracting Firm/NGO/CSO/Training Institute/Service Providing Organization or Private Sector Organization to Provide Industrial Skills Training and Job Placement in...
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