
Non Governmental Industry Procurement Opportunities
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Non-profit organizations addressing social and economic issues.
Showing 4705-4725 of 4830 RFXs (Showing Filtered Results) Reset filter
Achat de materiels IT pour les Staff Senegal
ProcureProcess - UN-Women Senegal Non Governmental 2024-12-01 2025-01-27
Madame, Monsieur,LEntité des Nations Unies pour lÉgalité Hommes-Femmes et lAutonomisation des Femmes, ci-après dénommée ONU Femmes, invite par la présente les fournisseurs potentiels à soumettre une/des offre(s) conformément aux documents de la Deman...
El Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) convoca a licitación (RFP) para establecer un contrato con un proveedor para realizar el Servicio de consultoría para Medición de resultados de la intervención municipal “Come Como Campeón y Campe...
5.3.8 Compra de elementos físicos para el confinamiento y señalización de ciclocarriles (Ciclovías) por lotes.  Proyecto “Biciclando, Centros de Economía Circular” en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México.ANTECEDENTES El Programa de Naciones Unidas...
You are invited to submit a proposal for the above subject RFP for the World Health Organization, WHO, Department of Contracting and Procurement Services in accordance with the attached documents: Annex 1:Acknowledgment Form Annex 2:Confidentiality U...
Expansion of Chatta Primary School, Maban County, Upper Nile State.
UNOPS tiene la intención de contratar servicios de Agencia de Viajes según lo definido de conformidad con esta Invitación a Cotizar, a través de al menos tres (3)  Acuerdos a Largo Plazo extensible a todas las Agencias, Fondos y Programas del Sistema...
5.3.8 Compra de elementos físicos para el confinamiento y señalización de ciclocarriles (Ciclovías) por lotes.  Proyecto “Biciclando, Centros de Economía Circular” en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México.ANTECEDENTES El Programa de Naciones Unidas...
L’Office des Nations Unies à Genève (ONUG) souhaite recevoir des expressions d’intérêt ‎pour un appel d'offres qu'il a l'intention de lancer pour la réalisation des travaux d'entretien ‎courant, de transformation et d'amélioration des installations é...
Hosting and Maintenance of CAFI's PES tool
ProcureProcess - UNOPS Multiple Non Governmental 2024-11-29 2024-12-24
Tender description​: Hosting and Maintenance of CAFI's PES tool.IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UNOPS eSourcing system, via the UNGM portal. In order to access the full UNOPS tender details, request clarificat...
TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR INSTITUTIONAL CONTRACT Title Estimate immunization coverage with high-resolution satellite imagery, spatial sample modeling methods, and lightweight mobile data collection in Bangladesh to identify communities with low coverage...
09 December 2024   Dear Prospective Bidder, Request for Proposals for Provision of Hotel Services (Meeting Venue, Banquet and Accommodation) in Lagos, Bid Ref. CSU/2024/11/005 – Revised RFP Dates You are invited to submit a proposal for the above sub...
United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit sealed tenders as follows: Since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the repeated attacks to Odesa have significant...
ITC wants to contract, for 9 months, a service provider engaged in legal/research services, to undertake a regulatory mapping and support on the regulatory analysis of Iraq’s Construction Service sector and related sub-sectors. The service provider w...
UNICEF Moldova Country Office invites interested companies to submit their bids for: Event management support in organizing training sessions to strengthen capacities of ECE (Early Childhood Education) staff in acquiring new skills in socio emotional...
RECRUTEMENT D’UN CABINET POUR LÉVALUATION FINALE DU MÉCANISME DE STABILISATION DE LA RÉGION DU LIPTAKO GOURMAPays :                                                       SENEGALDeadline :                                               22 décembre 2024...
United Nations Development Programme, hereinafter referred to as UNDP, hereby invites prospective bidders to submit a bid in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract and the Schedule of Requirements as set out in this Invitation to Bid (ITB...
Tender description: Pre-qualification of suppliers and/or firms  for Provision of Small Works in Kashkadarya Region (Uzbekistan) for:Rehabilitation/renovation works of the regional branches of the Republican AIDS Center, Center for the Prevention of...
Le Bureau des Nations Unies pour les services d’appui aux projets (UNOPS) a le plaisir d’inviter des soumissionnaires potentiels à soumissionner conformément aux Conditions générales du contrat de l’UNOPS et à l’ensemble des besoins décrits dans la p...
Dear Sir/Madam, The International Labour Office (hereinafter the “ILO”) is pleased to invite your company to submit a Proposal for Assessment and Analysis: Decent Work and Responsible Business Practices (RBC) Award 2024. You may submit a Proposal to...
UNICEF has now issued a Request for Proposals in order to select a supplier for the provision of consultancy services. This tender will be run through the UNICEF e-submissions system. By clicking on the blue ‘Express Interest’ button in the UNGM tend...
The UN in Ghana hereby invites potentially qualified Security Services Providers in Ghana on Local Long Term Agreement (LTA) contract basis for its offices in Ghana. For successful administration of the contract, the requirements are broadly detailed...
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