
Non Governmental Industry Procurement Opportunities
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Non-profit organizations addressing social and economic issues.
Showing 4768-4788 of 4820 RFXs (Showing Filtered Results) Reset filter
Please indicate whether you intend to submit a bid by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the system. This will enable the system to send notifications in case of amendments of the tender requirements. Should you require further...
Tendering Text: Call for Proposals (CfP) for the selection of Grant Beneficiary for the implementation of the Programme for innovation in climate adaptation and resilience building solutions - Global Coordination), which seeks to unlock the ingenuity...
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Rome, Italy, hereby solicits proposals for the Provision of A Digital Solution For M&E In IFAD-Funded Projects. Objectives of the RFP: Thi...
ProcureProcess - UNICEF Chile Non Governmental 2024-11-20 2025-01-08
IMPORTANTE: Favor expresar su interés al correo [email protected], de acuerdo con el punto 3.1 de los Términos de Referencia. OBJETIVO GENERAL Contratar los servicios de call center para desarrollar las campañas de captación de socios y d...
The Santiago network was established under the Warsaw International Mechanism for loss and damage (WIM) in 2019 as a mechanism to catalyse technical assistance by relevant organizations, bodies, networks, and experts (OBNEs), to avert, minimize and a...
UNHCR seeks qualified service providers and suppliers being interested in providing two different types of Vehicle Technologies for Controlling Risk Factors: 1-) Intelligent Speed Adaptation an Adaptation (ISA) and, 2-) Artificial intelligence based...
The selected company will provide soft-skin vehicles, either with or without drivers, as requested by ILO. The service will be on-demand for locations across KRI, Federal Iraq, and other cities relevant to ILO's activities.
This Call for Proposals (CFP), Integrated Refractive Error and Children's Eye Health Services through a National Approach, is intended to address the significant gap in access to refractive error services and children eye health services in low- and...
  You are invited to submit a Bid for the above subject  for the World Health Organization, WHO, Department of Contracting and Procurement Services in accordance with the attached documents: Annex 1:Technical proposal Annex 2:Commercial proposal Anne...
Tender description: Provision of Consultancy Services in Developing Guidance on Designing and Financing Mobile Phones as AT Programmes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries-----IMPORTANT NOTE: Interested vendors must respond to this tender using the UN...
APPEL DOFFRES POUR LACHAT DES CONSOMMABLES ET EQUIPEMENTS MEDICAUX POUR LES CENTRES DE SANTE ET HOPITAUXLe Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement ci-après dénommé PNUD  invite par la présente les soumissionnaires potentiels à présenter une...
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), adopted in 1992, is the basis of the intergovernmental negotiating process to address the global problem of climate change. That process is serviced by the UNFCCC Secretariat (“the s...
El objetivo del proyecto es la Supervisión de la Ejecución del Saldo de Obra y Equipamiento del PROYECTO: “Ampliación y Mejoramiento de la Escuela Técnico Superior Mujeres PNP – San Bartolo” - CUI N° 2235054; los alcances y metas del proyecto están d...
CAFI Science and Innovation
ProcureProcess - UNOPS Others Non Governmental 2024-11-15 2025-01-31
Description for the Publication of the Call for Proposals The Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) is pleased to announce the launch of its Call for Proposals (CFP) for the CAFI Science & Innovation Programme. This initiative seeks implementing p...
This call for tenders concerns the provision of all-in-one media and social media monitoring, analytics and management services to the UPU for a period of four years.
This call for tenders concerns the provision of maintenance and support services for an on-premises big data cluster powered by Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) and running on Linux operating systems, for a period of four years.
DRIVE- Last Mile Vaccine Delivery Application
ProcureProcess - UNICEF Others Non Governmental 2024-11-14 2025-02-04
Bid instructions: PLEASE DO NOT include the long description text of the tender in the email subject line. It is advised that that the Technical Proposal and Commercial Proposal to submitted as separate EMAILS. If necessary, proposers may structure t...
This call for tenders concerns the provision to the UPU of support and corrective, adaptive and extended maintenance services for the following business applications used at its International Bureau, for a period of four years: – Pegasus • Document p...
Assistance à Maitrise d'ouvrage (ATMO)
ProcureProcess - INTERPOL France Non Governmental 2024-11-13 2024-12-23
Prestations intellectuelles - Assistance à Maîtrise d'ouvrage 
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) invited Company/Firm to submit a Proposal to conduct Video Production and Related Services for the UNESCO-Mawhiba Online STEM Oasis Portal Project, in accordance with the p...
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